How would you like it if the name of our nation changed overnight to: United Socialist Republik of Amerika, or USRA? That’s what Bernie Sanders wants, and he’s calling for a Socialist revolution.
No creativity, no innovation, and NO freedom, just confiscation, disillusionment and death, is what Socialism/Communism brings, and I will explain to you how it works in reality; not in the delusional world conjured up by the false prophets of the Socialist theology. The name itself is an oxymoron. There is nothing social about Socialism as it has been peddled for the past hundred years. Unfortunately, if you’ve come out of our educational system in the past twenty or thirty years, and you’ve been spoon-fed the marvels of this heinous system of governance without being told of its blood-soaked history, you will follow Comrade Sanders, just like the poor children who followed the Pied Piper of Hamelin.

“How in Hades can this this guy (me) claim to know anything about Socialism?” You might ask.
Well, I’ll tell you. I am one of those lucky people who managed to survive both National Socialism (Nazism) and Soviet Socialism (Communism). I was born in 1942, in Budapest, Hungary. Within the next two years, Hitler highjacked our government and forced the hand of our Governor Miklós Horty to join him in his quest for world domination. When Horty decided to attempt to extricate himself from the conflict, by contacting the allies, Hitler had his son kidnapped, and eventually killed. When Horty still resisted, Hitler had him arrested and sent to Berlin for trial and punishment; more than likely, execution. Some of his followers stopped the train somewhere in Austria and after a brief skirmish with the Nazi death squad, they freed him and secreted him away to Spain, where he lived until his death on February 9, 1957.
Ferenc Szálasi, leader of the Arrow Cross party, was designated by Hitler to take Horty’s place and do his bidding until Hitler and his Nazis were forced to leave Hungary in April 1945. Szálasi was captured by U.S. troops in Germany, then was returned to Hungary, where he was sentenced to death by the People’s Tribunal and promptly executed.
In the meantime, as Hitler was fleeing Budapest with his tail between his legs, Joseph Stalin took over Hungary with a one-million-man army. This was right around early spring of 1945. So, for a few days, we lived under the dictatorship of the two biggest butchers in European history. I say only, because by the end of February of that year, my folks decided that it was time to ‘get out of Dodge’ well, Budapest, until the war would wind down. My father, at the time, guestimated ‘two to three months, maybe six’. He didn’t at the time realize, how wrong he had been.
Now, here’s the kicker. Everybody knows that Hitler was a bad man, and we all still talk about him. The ‘Butcher of Berlin’ sent 7 million Jews to their maker, with an additional million and a half to two million folks of other beliefs and nationalities, that just didn’t happen to agree with his policies.
To the ‘good’ Germans of the time, he promised everything, as soon as he conquered the world and got rid of all the unwanted troublemakers. Now, did you know that all little German children were inducted into the Hitlerjugend or Hitler Youth. They marched up and down the streets of Germany in their little brown shirts and proclaimed that they would save the planet by planting trees and saving the environment, all the while, sending their neighbors to the gas-chambers and turning their parents in to the Gestapo for maligning the Führer. And what was this bloody tyrant, a National Socialist! One more thing: under Nazism (or National Socialism) the first thing you lost was the right to own a gun, and the second, the right to speak your mind.
Now, perhaps because he was the commander of one of the Allies, during WWII, Josef Stalin’s name doesn’t come up as frequently when speaking of blood-thirsty dictators, and yet, his score of sending innocent souls to the afterlife is estimated to be somewhere between 28 and 60 million. The reason for the vague numbers is, it was difficult to track, how many had gotten buried in mass graves; and there were many mass graves found. Stalin’s Soviet administration destroyed the economy, educational system and government of all east European countries under the USSR’s (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) umbrella. My country of birth, Hungary, was one of those countries left gasping for freedom for almost 50 years. Speaking of slavery: being under the boot of the Communist Empire was the worst case of slavery. You were a slave in your own home; your own country. Just ask any of the people who escaped from Eastern Block countries, what Communist slavery was like.
Here are some of the benefits afforded to those we left behind. All private property was seized; you no longer owned the home you used to own and lived in. Your business now belonged to the Socialist state. All businesses, banks, even toy stores, now belonged to the Socialist state. The national transportation system, the trolleys and buses were in disrepair and stopped running on time. Your personal freedom now belonged to the state. You had better watch your mouth and your ideas, because if the Socialist State didn’t agree with them, you went to prison, or the meatgrinder at the edge of the Danube River. Even your correspondence was censored. If the agents of the state didn’t like what they read, the AVH or Állam Védelmi Hatóság (State Protection Authority) sent you to prison; if your opinion was really bad, you were sent to Siberia. One more thing: under Soviet Socialism (or Communism) the first thing you lost was the right to own a gun, and the second, the right to have a voice. Sound familiar?
My uncle and aunt lived in a nice big house with their three children until 1946, when the newly elected comrade mayor of their town decided to redistribute housing, by removing them from the house that their family had owned for a hundred years and relocating them in the caretakers one-bedroom bungalow, so the mayor could move several freeloading party acolytes into the big house. Of course, everything my relatives owned, now belonged to the good party members, who promptly took possession and went out and sold all the valuables and objet-d’arts, such as paintings and sculptures. So, my relatives not only lost their house but also their valuables, furnishings and other assorted belongings. It was lucky that we had managed to escape, as my mother’s restaurant became state-owned as well.
A newspaper reporter named Gabor my father knew, decided to stay behind in Budapest to report on the coming events. As Communism slowly inserted its tentacles in every aspect of daily life of the Hungarian people, Gabor started writing about the events, until one day he got called into the publisher’s office and advised to tone it down. “It is alright to mention that things aren’t going the way we’d like them to, but we are still in a rebuilding process with the help of our Soviet liberators,” the publisher told him. “You should write about all the progress we are making, rather than criticizing things that haven’t yet been accomplished.” He wrote a book on the situation, entitled Beyond the Stalin Line. He was arrested by Soviet authorities in the autumn of 1945 and sentenced to death for basically telling the truth. Following numerous machinations by the Soviet Central Committee, he actually spent 15 years in Siberia.
Could any of you have survived 15 years in a forced-labor camp in Siberia? Approximately 30 million enemy soldiers were sent to the gulags of Siberia. Over one-fourth of the prisoners banished there, died; more than half, never returned, their fate unknown. It is hard to get an exact count, as Stalin didn’t want the rest of the world to know how many folks he had snuffed out.
Would someone out there, care to explain why Cubans by the thousands tried to escape from the Soviet-style paradise created by Fidel Castro? Do you even know what happened to the many that got caught trying? They are still languishing in prison.
If you’ve been listening to the news lately, you must have heard of the events in Venezuela. In the anti-government rioting, the death toll has now risen above 100 while several hundred have been imprisoned by the Socialist government under Nicolás Maduro, following his second inauguration. Whether Venezuela can ever again become a democracy, all depends on the outcome of the current turmoil. It seems that everywhere Socialism has tried to get a foothold, chaos and death have followed. Our best wishes to the people of Venezuela!
Here’s a very important question to consider in light of what’s going on in Washington DC: do you really want Socialism? Do you really want the United States to look like the Soviet Union or Communist China, or perhaps Venezuela, maybe even Cuba? Then, go right ahead and vote for people like crazy Bernie Sanders, or Coocoo-Ocasio-Cortez and your Socialist dreams will come true. Free everything to everyone. All your homes and businesses will be taken over by the government.
Greenpeace Founder, Patrick Moore, @EcoSenseNow, recently tweeted the following in reply to Ocasio-Cortez’s proposal: Pompous little twit. You don’t have a plan to grow food for 8 billion people without fossil fuels or get the food into the cities. Horses? If fossil fuels were banned every tree in the world would be cut down for fuel for cooking and heating. You would bring about mass death.
As for AOC’s “Green New Deal,” here is a little factoid about Earth: it is approximately 4.5 Billion years old. Think about how many times the climate has changed in that time period; gotten hotter and then colder. And, all without our help. Us humans aren’t as all-powerful as some of us on the left believe!
As the Left is preparing a full-frontal attack on our Constitution and trying to convert our system of government to more closely resemble Russia’s Communism, the first thing they are working on taking away is our right to own a gun, and the second, our right to have a voice, or the Freedom of Speech. Sound familiar?
Everywhere Socialism has been tried, it has failed miserably, killing millions in the process. Hitler’s National Socialism cost the lives of 7 to 9 million souls. Stalin’s Soviet Socialism eliminated between 28 and 60 million. Mao-Tze-Dung’s Chinese Communism took care of ridding the planet of over 60 million inhabitants. The lucky survivors of these murderous regimes had their lives destroyed in numerous other ways as well.
Why do you think that millions of people from all over the world have emigrated to the United States and are still trying to get in? Why do you think that another massive caravan is heading for our southern border? Because until now, The United States has been the land of freedom and opportunity. Our system may not be perfect, but it’s the best in the world today. Don’t let the goo-goo eyed Socialists turn our country into a Socialist nightmare. We don’t need to try Socialism to figure out that it doesn’t work. Millions have already done it for us. Socialism is the absolute enemy of the American way of life!
Somebody once asked me “Can’t you say anything good about Socialism or Communism?” I had to honestly reply, “Yes, I do. It was great when it finally chocked on its own vomit of lies!”
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