Caveat Emptor (Let the buyer beware.)
Scams are alive and well for the unsuspecting, lonely senior.
This happened recently to an older retiree. He was formerly a brilliant academic and is still immersed in research but is no longer in the classroom or on campus.
Loneliness and a longing for intimacy took precedence over caution and discretion.
The woman targeted her prey at the grocery store over what seemed like helpful advice on the best way to cook zucchini. It could just as easily have been advice on selecting a wine or on an internet dating site.
Soon she entered his life and after three weeks invited herself into his comfortable home leaving her rented room behind. You can guess the rest. There was a tearful plea to pay an outstanding bill, a demand to add her name to his Costco card and a copy of the house keys, a story of tragic circumstances, estranged children, and a request that he reduce his time with others. These warning signals, though vaguely troubling, were unfortunately disregarded. He acquiesced as she kept up constant cheerful chatter while assuming control.

Can someone who is skeptical about human behavior, citing supporting facts stretching back to the 13th century, be so naïve in the 21st century?
Emphatically, yes.
It’s possible, even probable, if one is sufficiently lonely and charmed by an attractive stranger, to fall for the schemer who cleverly intuits what her target desires.
The object isn’t to marry money, the subject of many novels, films and plays. The object is step-by-step to take all of the target’s financial holdings and then move on to the next victim.
This scam can happen to any man or woman. But I hope by reading this letter, it won’t
happen to you.
So, not to be a curmudgeon as we enter the welcoming spring season, may I wish you love and friendship with those who are honest, reliable and responsible.
It’s wonderful to meet new people and subsequently find new friends, but don’t give away your heart and your home unless you’ve given it plenty of time, thought and careful consideration. Caveat Emptor!