TOP 10 Exercises for Developing a Better Brain and Cerebellum
In a fascinating study published in the November 2009 edition of the Archives of Neurology, Dr. Patricia Boyle and her colleagues from Chicago reported that individuals who had overall greater muscle strength had a reduced likelihood of developing cognitive loss over a four-year period.
Researchers studied 970 men and women between the ages of 54 to 100 years old (average age of 80), with normal memory, testing their strength in nine different muscle groups. During the four year follow up period, 138 of these individuals developed cognitive loss. Interestingly, it was found that those individuals who ranked in the top 10% for muscle strength were 61% less likely to develop progressive cognitive loss compared to the weakest 10%. Additionally, stronger people, overall, experienced a slower decline in their mental abilities. Dr. Boyle noted, “We certainly think that it is important to be physically active and to work to keep our muscles strong. Good physical health is important for good brain function.”
As a practicing strength & conditioning coach for more than a decade, I have long advised my older patients to stay as physically fit as possible. Aside from the wonderful benefits of cardiovascular health, a regular exercise program can also help decrease depression and elevate your mood as well as ward off progressive cognitive loss. In addition, it is mandatory that individuals stay mentally occupied as they get older. I have always said, “What you starve will die. What you feed will live and thrive.” It is certainly true when it comes to brain function and cognitive loss.
In addition to crossword puzzles I suggest you add these top ten exercises into your busy schedules and watch the BRAIN Fitness happen – with your eyes closed!
The TOP 10 best exercises for training the Cerebellum.
Let me explain who the Cerebellum is…this little guy is called the “Little brain.” It constitutes just 10% of the total volume of the brain but amazingly, it contains over 50% of the neurons in the entire human brain. The cerebellum’s job is to modify and adapt movement patterns to improve coordination and balance. Incredibly, before any movement (even something as simple as bending over to tie your shoe) is even initiated, the cerebellum, through a feed-forward mechanism has already perceived the intended motion up to six times and fires down to contract the core musculature to prepare for the anticipated movement.
In our clinics we not only activate the body’s ability to burn fat, testimonies include losing up to 20 pound in the first couple of weeks, but also activate the bodies ability to develop a STRONG, healthy brain. You can accelerate the body’s ability to move while keeping your brain developing through these top 10 Brain Exercises.
1. Ron Kardashian’s Reach and Throw Exercise: Reach across body to grab your foot and then pull your arm back across body, simulating a throw over the shoulder.
2. Ron Kardashian’s Pick and Push. Act as if picking something up from off the floor; move to standing position, pushing hard up and across the body. End with hand over head – repeat.
3-4. Do both of these with eyes open and with eyes closed
5. Balance on 1 leg, then, alternate.
6. Balance on one leg and extend it out in front and to the side of you. (Increase time by a few seconds until you go to a 1 min hold.)
7. Use a stability ball to exercise.
8. Use a BOSU Ball. (Google it.)
9. Ping Pong. (Yes, good old-fashioned Ping Pong!)
10. Good old fashioned Speed Bag (punching in rhythmic form)
The Benefits of these Brain Based Exercises will improve:
Improved coordination, balance, & skill
Improved memory recall and speed of transmission
Improved learning skills
Improved emotional balance and control
Improved focus & determination
Improved blood flow to the brain, increasing neuronal metabolism, & neurotransmitter formation…thus anti-depressant effects (increased serotonin)
Increased feelings of joy & euphoria
This Christmas season don’t just get fit but get healthy. Brain healthy. Call us today to get your fitness program going. You will not only gain a better brain but a thinner body in less than 8 weeks—guaranteed.
Ron Kardashian
Ron Kardashian is a life coach, fitness expert, educator, conference speaker, author, national television and radio personality, and NSCA-certified strength and conditioning coach. Kardashian was one of America’s first life coaches. In 1994, he founded Kardashian Life Coaching & Personal Training and has since inspired hundreds to reach their full physical, mental and spiritual potential.
Kardashian has been twice nominated as Personal Trainer of the Year. He has been an honored speaker for the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Considered a “coach’s coach,” he has empowered executives to operate at peak performance; personally, professionally, and most important , spiritually.
Ron also heads a 501 (c) 3 non-profit corporation that is relentless in its efforts of bringing optimal health to people of all walks of life. This organization’s mission is to fight obesity and related diseases on a global scale. Across the globe, Kardashian’s unique approach has garnered amazing results, making him a powerful, voice of change for professional athletes, CEOs, political leaders, and clergymen of every age, religion, and creed. Ron lives in California with his beautiful wife, Tia, and two children.
I usually get people’s attention when I type the word “ TWITTER,” followed by the caption, “ What’s The Most Powerful Thing in the World?”
This is not only a true statement for Twitter. Experts in the advertising world are saying that this form of Social Media is exploding and twitter is currently ranked #11 in the world of the most “hit” websites. Twitter also disclosed for the first time earlier this week that it currently has 105 million registered users and 180 million unique visitors to They also handle 800 million search queries per day. Mind you, this company started in 2006. Just when your son and/ or daughter enrolled as a freshman in college and graduated, the three founders of Twitter became multi-millionaires in four short years!
Now, I’m not saying, “don’t go to school.” GO! What I am revealing to you is that while most people think an education is powerful; or government is powerful; or the economy is the most powerful thing in the world; or God is the most powerful thing in the world… those are all incorrect! Ladies and Gentleman, the most powerful thing in the world is… (drum roll)…an idea.
Now, this is where some of you may sigh and say “Coach Ron, come’on! God… the economy… government?” Well, let’s get down to the real nitty gritty here: If people don’t pray, God is not going to come down and make you do anything against your human will. (Trust me on this. I asked Him for years) Ok, the economy. Coach Ron, do you know how many people were forced to stop working because of the powerful force of the economy? I sure do and mind you, ask the founders of Twitter if the economy hit them.
We’re not negating God, the Economy or the Government’s power. In fact, in my heart and mind, God is King! But the most powerful thing in the world is to circulate and use the gifts you have been given to create, dream and implement an IDEA (hear the spirit in which I’m writing to you) coupled with the help of prayer, the good hardworking consumers of America and a government, do something so powerful that it completely changes your life and millions around you! Here’s a free idea for someone, “How can you help someone else today?” Here’s another idea: pray for one!
“Passion is the power that creates life and brings you to your ultimate cause.” – Ron Kardashian.”
What’s your passion? What’s your IDEA?
Send me your thoughts this week by e-mail and someone will win a FREE coaching session on just how to make your dream a reality! Who knows, you could be singing…”Rocking Robin…Tweet, tweet, tweelydeet..” I sure am and want you with me! Used by permission. “The 30 second Solution.” By Ron Kardashian in book stores Fall of 2011.
Ron Kardashian
Ron Kardashian is a life coach, fitness expert, educator, conference speaker, author, national television and radio personality, and NSCA-certified strength and conditioning coach. Kardashian was one of America’s first life coaches. In 1994, he founded Kardashian Life Coaching & Personal Training and has since inspired hundreds to reach their full physical, mental and spiritual potential.
Kardashian has been twice nominated as Personal Trainer of the Year. He has been an honored speaker for the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Considered a “coach’s coach,” he has empowered executives to operate at peak performance; personally, professionally, and most important , spiritually.
Ron also heads a 501 (c) 3 non-profit corporation that is relentless in its efforts of bringing optimal health to people of all walks of life. This organization’s mission is to fight obesity and related diseases on a global scale. Across the globe, Kardashian’s unique approach has garnered amazing results, making him a powerful, voice of change for professional athletes, CEOs, political leaders, and clergymen of every age, religion, and creed. Ron lives in California with his beautiful wife, Tia, and two children.
Stop Waiting. Go Make it Happen! “Success is for Doers- Not for hearers. Seize the moment!”- Ron Kardashian
A business desire of mine began one afternoon when a business man asked me for some help. My reply to him was so on-the-spot that it came in 30 seconds. Since that time it has yielded six figures, pushing seven ever since. In that specific moment I had no time to wait, and formulated what is now a world wide coaching company servicing all walks of life.
However, it was in the crucible of my own struggles that I had to make a decision to either go up or give up. In every leader’s life there is a moment in time where they must step up and meet the challenges of life. They key is NOT just handling overwhelming elements of stress or pressure, but HOW you handle the stress. This is what shapes and molds your life, supplying the power to make critical decisions.
You see, while the decision to help this man was a 30 second decision, the previous three years I had been dealing, head on, with personal failures. So when that phone call came, I was not beat up over my past failures—I was not waiting around for someone to come and help me get my idea going. By faith, I said, “Sure, I can do this!” When I released those words, my integrity was on the line and I had to develop this company just for this one person.
You may have a wonderful idea, concept or business model that you have been waiting to execute, but the battles from the past may appear larger than your dream. This is where a 30 second decision must be made. You might say, “But Ron, you had someone ask you for help.” You’re right, and I’m asking you, right now, “Can you make the world a better place by doing what’s in your heart to do, right now?” You can respond to the call that I’ve made here, in writing, by deciding to “move forth.” You have a success coach telling you, “Stop waiting around and go make it happen!”
Don’t be afraid, but DARE to take a stand on issues and how you could make something better. Forget the money. Follow your passion and the money will come to you. I’m living proof. I believe in you. Go for it!
Assignment this month: Whatever is holding you back can be altered in 30 seconds if you DARE to step across the boundaries of limitations and pursue with gracious force the aspirations of your heart. Write down what you have always wanted to do and get on the internet gathering knowledge to pursue, overtake and make the world a better place!
Taken from the Book “The 30 Second Solution” by Ron Kardashian. Available in bookstores worldwide Fall of 2011!
Ron Kardashian
Ron Kardashian is a life coach, fitness expert, educator, conference speaker, author, national television and radio personality, and NSCA-certified strength and conditioning coach. Kardashian was one of America’s first life coaches. In 1994, he founded Kardashian Life Coaching & Personal Training and has since inspired hundreds to reach their full physical, mental and spiritual potential.
Kardashian has been twice nominated as Personal Trainer of the Year. He has been an honored speaker for the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Considered a “coach’s coach,” he has empowered executives to operate at peak performance; personally, professionally, and most important , spiritually.
Ron also heads a 501 (c) 3 non-profit corporation that is relentless in its efforts of bringing optimal health to people of all walks of life. This organization’s mission is to fight obesity and related diseases on a global scale. Across the globe, Kardashian’s unique approach has garnered amazing results, making him a powerful, voice of change for professional athletes, CEOs, political leaders, and clergymen of every age, religion, and creed. Ron lives in California with his beautiful wife, Tia, and two children.
You will get the Job. Wherever you are at this moment, quietly bow your head, breathe and say to yourself, “I will get the job. Brain, understand this.”
Go ahead and say it, even though it may sound silly. Studies from the University of Kansas and the University of Alaska, Anchorage found that children who were talked to the most have strikingly higher IQ’s than children whose parents didn’t talk to them very much. Try 150 IQ versus 75! One of simplest ways to raise intelligence is to talk.
In the same way, words still carry weight. Oh, they sure do. Just think of the last time a family member cussed you out; or a stranger decided to whisper obscene profanity and give some sign language to you as your were driving in your car. You may not have heard the “words” but you felt them.
“Life and Death are in the power of the tongue!” Proverb.
Coaching individuals in this market is the BEST! Why? Because I get to separate the “wheat” in one’s life from the “chaff” that has been growing as you await the job of your dreams.
Now you may be saying to me, “Coach Ron, I’ll take any job.” Well, that what we must correct. That’s been the problem for most people their entire life. They have been saying those words. They heard their parents, teachers, mentors—whoever—using just that sort of negative language. What I want you to understand is that Words do have power! They have molded and fashioned you in a way. You may be paying for negative words heavily right now. I hear people all the time saying things like, “I’m just trying to make ends meet,” or, “I really don’t want to do this, but…”
The answer:
Speak about the job you want. This is not magic trick, it’s a neurological thing. In short, your brain, much like an infant’s, adapts to words. Words frame your thinking and thinking is what you speak. What you think about is what you speak about. So in order to get the job of your dreams, you better be thinking on things that bring you the results you want. It’s that simple.
And, the words you speak are a matter of heart. Whatever is in your heart in abundance is what is going to come out of your mouth. Fill your heart with the truth about your passions! Your love for people, skill sets, passions, likes, flavors, music—all those things you start to dance over when your heart is touched.
As I coach companies, I advocate that employers pick out the wheat from the chaff. I coach them to discern between employees that are there for a “pay-check” versus those who have had a “heart-check.” Once an employer hears words come out of your mouth that have been touched by your heart, the JOB is YOURS!
Your assignment: Get a tape recorder or use your phone to record yourself talking. Do it in various settings. You will be shocked what comes out of your mouth. Life and even death. Next month More on get the Job of your dreams. Email me. You’ve got what it takes- GO FOR IT!
Ron Kardashian
Ron Kardashian is a life coach, fitness expert, educator, conference speaker, author, national television and radio personality, and NSCA-certified strength and conditioning coach. Kardashian was one of America’s first life coaches. In 1994, he founded Kardashian Life Coaching & Personal Training and has since inspired hundreds to reach their full physical, mental and spiritual potential.
Kardashian has been twice nominated as Personal Trainer of the Year. He has been an honored speaker for the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Considered a “coach’s coach,” he has empowered executives to operate at peak performance; personally, professionally, and most important , spiritually.
Ron also heads a 501 (c) 3 non-profit corporation that is relentless in its efforts of bringing optimal health to people of all walks of life. This organization’s mission is to fight obesity and related diseases on a global scale. Across the globe, Kardashian’s unique approach has garnered amazing results, making him a powerful, voice of change for professional athletes, CEOs, political leaders, and clergymen of every age, religion, and creed. Ron lives in California with his beautiful wife, Tia, and two children.
“Ron, how do I lose the Fat?”
“Ron, how do I tone and firm my waist?”
“Ron, how do I lose weight, period?”
“Ron, how do I get myself back on track?”
Have you every asked a fitness professional or your doctor any of these top four questions? If so, you’re just like the billions of people worldwide who are suffering from some type of physical elastic disorder.
As a professional trainer and CEO’s life coach, I deal with the strongest of headstrong individuals. You’re not an exception to the rule if you think you are thick headed.
The Body Fat Cure.
Simply put, the answer to this question is in what I call “Elastic Conscience.” What I mean by this is where you get to a place in your life whereby you do well for a while but then, over several weeks, like elastic, you begin to stretch your thinking and say to yourself, “oh, just one of these cookies won’t kill me,” or, “that trainer does not really know my body; that coach doesn’t know everything.” Then, information begins to flow and your conscience has an inner identification or witness to what you hear. The slightest sign of compromise or “elastic conscience” needs to be shattered! Unsettled compromises lead to devastation in one’s life. However, a quote I have coined for years works:
Anything in life can be achieved successfully when it’s done repetitiously!
When life begins to invade your soul on levels where by you find yourself stretching the truth, it’s a subtle way for your spirit, soul and body to tell you that you’re beginning to dull your senses
The KEY: Catch It! Catch yourself and open your mouth and speak: “STOP. Body, you are going to achieve your goal and that’s not included in it! Mind, you are set on keeping your kids on a low sugar diet, so I’m sorry kids, but no late night eating. Body, stop thinking those thoughts. You know what real truth is!”
As you apply “self” to “self control,” you’ll be amazed as you watch your body refrain from the elastic conscience of life to a mind that is set to achieve anything you set your mind too—that includes consistent exercise and abstaining from foods that are high in sugar and fried. Sugar feeds cancer and hydrogenated oil make you fat and sickly.
Goal this week: ASSESS: What are the issues of my life that I have strong convictions about that I may be letting slip? What foods do I find myself eating? After you’ve asked these of yourself, bring them back into order. You’ll be glad you did and simultaneously be burning the belly fat!
Ron Kardashian
Ron Kardashian is a life coach, fitness expert, educator, conference speaker, author, national television and radio personality, and NSCA-certified strength and conditioning coach. Kardashian was one of America’s first life coaches. In 1994, he founded Kardashian Life Coaching & Personal Training and has since inspired hundreds to reach their full physical, mental and spiritual potential.
Kardashian has been twice nominated as Personal Trainer of the Year. He has been an honored speaker for the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Considered a “coach’s coach,” he has empowered executives to operate at peak performance; personally, professionally, and most important , spiritually.
Ron also heads a 501 (c) 3 non-profit corporation that is relentless in its efforts of bringing optimal health to people of all walks of life. This organization’s mission is to fight obesity and related diseases on a global scale. Across the globe, Kardashian’s unique approach has garnered amazing results, making him a powerful, voice of change for professional athletes, CEOs, political leaders, and clergymen of every age, religion, and creed. Ron lives in California with his beautiful wife, Tia, and two children.
Secrets to wealth and health you have got to know!
The resounding question is still the most important! What are we going to do RIGHT NOW with my life?
Over the past 3 months we have been dissecting the secrets to one of the wealthiest, most successful person of all time: John D. Rockefeller.
It is important in life that we DO NOT make temporary decisions that end up costing us a lifetime. Mr. Rockefeller was a learned man; one who thought through his endeavors. John D. Rockefeller was a dreamer and visionary who told others exactly what he wanted out of life. You are no different!
I can teach anybody how to get what they want out of life. The problem is that I can’t find anybody who can tell me what they want.” ~ Mark Twain ”A vision is not just a picture of what could be; it is an appeal to our better selves, a call to become something more.” ~ Rosabeth Moss Kanter
Secret 3- Tenacity backed by skill set!
Mr. Rockefeller knew he had to be bold, but educated. In today’s world people often want something for nothing. We all get that way from time to time. Once you realize that with great success comes a great price – your attitude changes. Tenancy backed by humility ensure tremendous results. It instills within the core of the human soul a preference for human life. Its goes against the “I will run you over mentality” that fast paced societies seem to advocate. I am not condoning that anyone be a “pushover.” I’m going deeper than that. Speaking to intellectually savvy people who have a genuine demeanor to respect other people—not because they are rich or poor, but because they are alive! The spirit of willingness is the ‘Nitty Gritty” success molecule that everyone wants, but which most are not willing to pay for. Successful people are willing to do things that most people will never do. Why? They are just plain old “not willing.”
I am coaching a man who was willing to ask a venture capital firm for 20 million dollars. He has no proof his concept is a “sure deal,” or that it would even succeed, yet he was willing to take a chance backed by his tenancy and skill set, even if it meant losing it all. Going after your dream is attainable. The key is to be knowledgeable of that you’re doing and tenacious in getting there, all the while allowing humility to season you so that you’re not misconstrued or taken over as one who is filled with greed and will do anything to get what you want at any cost. This type of human being will eventually meet his or her maker and have to show their true face.
This month I would like for you to take a “value inventory” of your life. What are your values? Are you willing to drop your pride and say, “Could there be some things in my life that I don’t know?” That’s a willing attitude that always yields success.
One final note. We are now offering LIFE COACHING for TEENS. With the increase of teen suicide, my heart has been deeply moved. We are offering 50% off Life Coaching for teens done either in Group sessions over the phone or One-On-One. Your Teenager can call from their cell phones sitting at a park. My philosophy is that if we can save one life- we have already saved many. Lastly, I am starting a Teen Suicide prevention tour to all the Jr. Highs and High Schools. Let your superintendent know that Ron Kardashian has a message of hope and life for your kids and would like to come and speak for only 30 minutes. (Faculty training to follow). For more information please call us @ 1 888-918- HEAL. Or email me at
Used by permission only – Taken from the book; “The 30 Solution.”
Ron Kardashian
Ron Kardashian is a life coach, fitness expert, educator, conference speaker, author, national television and radio personality, and NSCA-certified strength and conditioning coach. Kardashian was one of America’s first life coaches. In 1994, he founded Kardashian Life Coaching & Personal Training and has since inspired hundreds to reach their full physical, mental and spiritual potential.
Kardashian has been twice nominated as Personal Trainer of the Year. He has been an honored speaker for the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Considered a “coach’s coach,” he has empowered executives to operate at peak performance; personally, professionally, and most important , spiritually.
Ron also heads a 501 (c) 3 non-profit corporation that is relentless in its efforts of bringing optimal health to people of all walks of life. This organization’s mission is to fight obesity and related diseases on a global scale. Across the globe, Kardashian’s unique approach has garnered amazing results, making him a powerful, voice of change for professional athletes, CEOs, political leaders, and clergymen of every age, religion, and creed. Ron lives in California with his beautiful wife, Tia, and two children.
Secrets to wealth and health you have got to know!
Not all of us had parents like Mr. Rockefeller. As you remember from last months issue, Mr. Rockefeller came from humble beginnings, yet, his foundation is a continuing legacy of health and wealth for decades to come.
During the time of great global onslaughts and economic disasters a secret to building wealth and creating the life you have always dreamed of is literally right before your eyes. As an executive life coach to CEOs and people with both small and big dreams all over the world, I have found that they all share one thing in common—the secret of the Rockefellers. Of course many will never reach the unprecedented wealth this man achieved, but who is to say you won’t!
Recapping from last month:
Key 1: The Roots Dictate the Fruits.
Or, as I like to say it: “what you truly believe will show forth by our behaviors.” Or, “how we think is how we will speak.” Anyway you say it. Mr. Rockefeller believed what his parents instilled in him: Stay healthy and be generous.
“Our attitude toward life determines life’s attitude towards us. This is the law of reciprocity.”
Secret 2: The law of reciprocity.
It’s not a word we hear the teenagers using very much, but it’s certainly one we should be teaching them—charity—be it giving monetarily or time and energy to help anyone for that matter, always yields a return. Of course, I’m not saying, “give to get,” what I am saying is that a return is inevitable. It’s a natural law. The ancients called it “sowing and reaping.” It’s the age-old proverb, “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” While these may sound like clichés, they are just as powerful today as they were thousands of years ago. Look at the modern day “Rockefeller,” Bill Gates. He has given over 10 Billion Dollars and look at what is happening to his business and life. When I assess a company or an individual’s life and they ask me, “Ron, we want to make more money.” I start digging for the roots of Generosity. Sound silly? Tell that to my wife and I when we were down to our last dollar, working diligently as Rockefeller did. I looked at my wife and said, “We don’t have that much to live off of, but what we do have, could be given to charity…” Little more than a few months later, my first book was published and they gave us an entire year’s salary up front. Call it luck if you want, but within our hearts, my wife and I know it was law! If you have given to any organization or charity, please understand that your contribution is helping someone—so you can now prepare for help to return in kind!
“Building wealth should never be the outcome of compromise. What you compromise to keep in the beginning, you’ll end up loosing in the end.”
This weeks GOAL for YOU: Ask yourself the question. “When was the last time I did something for another human being? Am I adding to someone’s life or business or am I just taking away? Are there other areas of my life where I could be giving?
Ron Kardashian
Ron Kardashian is a life coach, fitness expert, educator, conference speaker, author, national television and radio personality, and NSCA-certified strength and conditioning coach. Kardashian was one of America’s first life coaches. In 1994, he founded Kardashian Life Coaching & Personal Training and has since inspired hundreds to reach their full physical, mental and spiritual potential.
Kardashian has been twice nominated as Personal Trainer of the Year. He has been an honored speaker for the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Considered a “coach’s coach,” he has empowered executives to operate at peak performance; personally, professionally, and most important , spiritually.
Ron also heads a 501 (c) 3 non-profit corporation that is relentless in its efforts of bringing optimal health to people of all walks of life. This organization’s mission is to fight obesity and related diseases on a global scale. Across the globe, Kardashian’s unique approach has garnered amazing results, making him a powerful, voice of change for professional athletes, CEOs, political leaders, and clergymen of every age, religion, and creed. Ron lives in California with his beautiful wife, Tia, and two children.
Secrets to wealth and health you have got to know!
“Fear always springs from ignorance.”—Ralph Waldo Emerson
Economical deficits are nothing new. Tell about modern day economical problems we’re having to those who waged war over there life saving on October 29 1929 Black Tuesday. Losses for the month were an estimated total of $16 billion, an astronomical sum in those days. That was only 81 years ago. One of the lessons today is in watching successful, healthy people outlive life’s atrocities and finding the wisdom to learn new things.
A wise man learns from another man’s mistakes, but a “know it all” learns from himself -Proverbs.
Despite what the economy has governed and what financial state you’re in, remember that your current state does not dictate your future. Life can change in an instant, depending upon your perspective. However, this is not for everyone. Only those who will dare to believe. I sure do believe in you! The key is- YOU- it will be Your beliefs that create behavioral changes.
The Secret of the Rockefellers
Born July 8, 1839 on a farm in Richmond, New York. He was the second child of six born to William Avery and Eliza Davison Rockefeller. The family lived modestly, John’s father being a “pitch man” charging up to $25.00 for treatments for cancers. His father traveled and was gone for months at time and John’s upbringing fell mainly on his mother, who was very religious and disciplined. She taught her children to work, to save and to give to charities. John left high school in 1855 and took a six-month business course at Folsom Mercantile College. He completed the course in three months and began searching for a job as a bookkeeper or clerk in Cleveland. In 1855, business in Cleveland was adverse and John had trouble finding a job. After six weeks, Hewitt & Tuttle, a small company of produce shippers and commission merchants employed him as an assistant bookkeeper. Rockefeller worked hard and impressed his employers.
Secret 1: The roots dictate the fruits.
Not all of us had parents like Mr. Rockefeller. Notice they were not wealthy, but they were healthy. John was taught at very young age two things from his Mom and Dad. Treat sickness fast and give to charities!
While most experts are telling us to hold on to the money we have. John’s Mother was pushing her kids to give it away. She was instilling morals of health and longevity and a law not many experts talk about—the act of giving, or as I like to call it, reciprocity, which means, “what you give out will come back to you.” Mr. Rockefeller’s stage in life was being set by the seed that were planted by his parents. Are your kids seeing your strengths (roots) even while living a modest lifestyle? John’s roots are ones we need to start growing and gleaming from today- Living a life of good nutrition and continual acts of charity.
Next month I will give you the other secret and reveal and explain all four. but this week I’ll ask you to take a “Value inventory” on your life. Do you have any values? – are you willing to drop your pride and say- “ Could there be some things in my life that I DON’T KNOW.” I’m the first one to say. SIGN ME UP! That’s a willing attitude that always yields success.
Ron KardashianRon Kardashian is a published author, fitness expert, life success coach, national television and radio personality, and NSCA-certified strength and conditioning coach. One of America’s first life coaches, for the past 15 years, Ron’s wellness organization has inspired hundreds to reach their full physical, mental and spiritual potential.
With over 12,000 hours of coaching under his belt, Kardashian has received two consecutive nominations for Personal Trainer of the Year and has been an honored speaker for the National Strength and Conditioning Association, one of the largest institutions of health and fitness in the U.S. In short, Ron is one of the nation’s leading life coaches, sharing the stage with some of America’s top advisors. Indeed, he has become a coach’s coach! His work is pivotal in empowering executives and individuals to operate at peak performance personally, professionally, and most important—spiritually.
In addition to authoring books and other educational resources, Ron has been pursuing his ultimate passion: philanthropy. He operates a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization that is relentless in its efforts to communicate the power of bringing optimal health to all walks of life. This organization’s mission is to fight obesity and all related diseases on a global scale. Across the globe, Kardashian’s integrated, holistic approach has garnered amazing results, making him a powerful, compelling voice of change for professional athletes, CEOs, political leaders, clergymen and people of every age, religion, and creed.
Ron is now accepting new clients to achieve their dreams in his proven “Coached to Win Program,” system of success. As Ron says, “These classes are a reasonable investment for you to manifest your talents in any economy. You have got what it takes. Sometimes it takes a coach to bring out the best in you. Every athlete has had one, so why not you?” You can reach Ron Kardashian at 1.888.918.HEAL or at
We all know that we should not eat greasy, fried food and that late-night binge eating is a sure way to pack on unwanted pounds. So why does it sometimes take a doctor’s report to convince us to change these destructive habits? For some, even a scary prognosis fails to produce enough motivation to dump our junk food-fueled lifestyles. The result? Unnecessary suffering that could have been prevented! Let’s take a look at what all those calorie-fests could really cost you:
Standard Ambulance ride: Depending on where you live, anywhere from $100 to $1,500.
Massive Heart Attack: ER room, visit, testing, etc. $500 to $10,000.
Heart Bypass Surgery: A person in the Houston, Texas area racked up a bill of $169,000.00. Medicare covered most of the cost but the patient was responsible for a balance of approximately $34,000.00. In similar cases the balance needing to be paid by the patient was as high as $70,000.
Co Pays: averages $5 to $50 per visit. The cost of two visits (at the average $25 co-pay) per month for a year: $600.
Clinical depression: In one recent study, the total treatment cost per person per year, including the cost of housing, was $60,000.
Institutional care can cost as much as $130,000.
While one could argue that the financial consequences for many individuals are minimized by their insurance companies, let’s not forget that the true costs are eventually paid by everyone else when
insurance rates rise. The increasing demand for weight-related health treatments is also contributing to more national debt. “The economic impact of heart attacks and strokes in the U.S. alone totals
nearly $403 billion in medical care and lost productivity annually,” said Dr. Peter Lindgren of Stockholm Health Economics.
And what about the emotional consequences? Imagine receiving the news that a dear friend or family member just suffered a heart attack or stroke. Circumstances like these take their toll on the psyche. Mental disorders including anxiety and depression affect one in ten working-age adults each year, resulting in a loss of approximately 200 million working days a year.
What is the bottom line? Our unhealthy lifestyles carry a high price tag, and we have limited resources to pay it. The only rational solution, then, is to break free from our unhealthy lifestyle. In over a decade as a personal trainer and life coach, I have observed four key principles that empower this kind of radical change:
Fortunately, the body is like a big Band-Aid. It longs to heal itself. But that doesn’t mean the choices we make today won’t scar our bodies for years to come. Nothing in your life will change until the consequences become real to you. Revelation is about seeing and believing the truth. This is the key to prevention. For example, before (this is the “pre” in “prevention”) you develop Diabetes, a debilitating blood sugar disorder which affects about 8% of the population, close your eyes and imagine giving yourself daily insulin injections, losing your vision, or even losing a limb. How would you feel then? How would your family feel? Think about missing out on your grandchildren because you suffered a massive heart attack fueled by decades of fast food and a sedentary lifestyle. These things happen every day.
For many, this reality check finally hits home when they’re confined to a hospital bed awaiting bypass surgery—but it doesn’t have to be that way. Your revelation can start the moment you read this article or hear the early warnings from your doctor. Your life will change when the source of your decision-making drops 12 inches—from your head to your heart. This is how you convert information into realization. Become passionately involved in a decision, and you’re more likely to act on it rather than just letting it sit on a shelf.
Control your mouth, and you control your whole body. If you want to find out who you really believe you are, listen to yourself talk. As you speak with others, pay attention to your own words. You could even record your side of phone conversations for a couple of days, wait a week or two, and then play your words back. You may be surprised and even shocked at what you hear coming out of your mouth! Our words reveal what we honor. Are your conversations littered with phrases like, “I can’t do this… I always fail… My mom was built this way and my metabolism is slow, so I’ll never lose the weight?” Focus on replacing these negative words with positive declarations like, “I am blessed…I am an overcomer, and I am overcoming this…I’m getting healthier every day.” You will be amazed to discover the creative power of your own words, both for your good and for your harm.
Do you do what you don’t want to do, and don’t do what you want to do? It sounds like a tongue twister, but this dilemma defines almost everyone trapped in an unhealthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, the solution to this problem is simple but not easy. You ignore what you want to do in favor of what realization has told you—what you MUST do. Truth without action simply doesn’t work. But here’s the great news: as you apply truth to your life day after day, your desires will start to change. You will want more of the good and healthy things. Simple exercise and walks in the park will instantly spike your metabolism, not to mention decreasing your biological aging by almost 10 YEARS! The rewards are sweet, and you will reach a point where you will truly desire them more than you desire that giant slice of cake.
Exercises like walking and weight training with a simple exercise band not only prevent heart disease, diabetes and obesity, they reduce your risk of 35 other diseases and 12 cancers! If that’s not a great
return on your investment, I don’t know what is. Get moving, apply yourself, and watch what happens.
Don’t just talk about your dreams, live them! While I do advocate writing your 6 week goals down on paper (in concert with Key 3), manifest that 6 week goal today–this very moment (you know, In 30
Seconds). Do you have a goal to lose 30 pounds or unclog some of those arteries? Well, do it today. Don’t eat any fried food—TODAY. Go for a walk- TODAY. Pass on the sweets—TODAY! You will literally see a manifestation of your 6 week goal happening right before your eyes.
The satisfaction of SAYING NO will give you such confidence and peace that you will be ready for day 2, 3 and 44! Go for your dreams and live it one day at a time. You are worth the investment. Your 30 second focus/short term goal for the week: Did you remember to write down your goals last week. If you forgot to Take a few moments THIS MOMENT and write down one thing that you would like to accomplish this week/ this month and this year! We are 5 months into 2010, and despite what may have happened in 2009, 2010 is going to be an exceeding abundant year for you and your heath. You can prevent disaster by making 30 second decisions to Change. Get ready for next months’ article: Empowering Extraordinary Life. E-mail me! Love and Blessings, Ron.
Ron KardashianRon Kardashian is a published author, fitness expert, life success coach, national television and radio personality, and NSCA-certified strength and conditioning coach. One of America’s first life coaches, for the past 15 years, Ron’s wellness organization has inspired hundreds to reach their full physical, mental and spiritual potential.
With over 12,000 hours of coaching under his belt, Kardashian has received two consecutive nominations for Personal Trainer of the Year and has been an honored speaker for the National Strength and Conditioning Association, one of the largest institutions of health and fitness in the U.S. In short, Ron is one of the nation’s leading life coaches, sharing the stage with some of America’s top advisors. Indeed, he has become a coach’s coach! His work is pivotal in empowering executives and individuals to operate at peak performance personally, professionally, and most important—spiritually.
In addition to authoring books and other educational resources, Ron has been pursuing his ultimate passion: philanthropy. He operates a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization that is relentless in its efforts to communicate the power of bringing optimal health to all walks of life. This organization’s mission is to fight obesity and all related diseases on a global scale. Across the globe, Kardashian’s integrated, holistic approach has garnered amazing results, making him a powerful, compelling voice of change for professional athletes, CEOs, political leaders, clergymen and people of every age, religion, and creed.
Ron is now accepting new clients to achieve their dreams in his proven “Coached to Win Program,” system of success. As Ron says, “These classes are a reasonable investment for you to manifest your talents in any economy. You have got what it takes. Sometimes it takes a coach to bring out the best in you. Every athlete has had one, so why not you?” You can reach Ron Kardashian at 1.888.918.HEAL or at
Studies prove that the human mind has the power to transform our state. Just think, for a moment, of mankind’s accomplishments over the last century. In less than 100 years we have done things considered impossible, little more than a century ago. Today, our day-to-day reality includes; electricity, automobiles, medical miracles, super-sonic flight and the miracle of the internet and cyber-space. We have sent spacecraft to the far reaches of our solar system, and 40 years ago we even landed on the moon. The list seems endless, and it was all done, in large measure, because of the immense power of the mind.
In many ways, the mind is the greatest “muscle” in the human body. Like any muscle, it must be conditioned or it will become weak. The more you use it, the stronger it gets. Yet many of us have not tapped into its unlimited power and ability; indeed, many times, rather than using he creative power of the mind, we have yielded it to forces that actually hinder our progress, especially in the realm of physical health and abundant living.
One of the most basic elements of our mind’s ability has to do with making decisions. In as a little as 30 seconds of thought, we can create a destiny for ourselves that is either empowering or destructive. To illustrate my point, let me tell you the story of one of my clients. I’ll call him, “John”…
The CEO of a prominent company, John sought me out for some life Coaching. As I pulled up to his lavish, sprawling French chateau, to say I was impressed would be an understatement. My eyes were wide open. John’s home was beautiful. It was filled, wall-to-wall, with fine furnishings from all over the world. Among the furnishings was a beautiful family portrait. In it were John, an attractive, blond haired woman and three beautiful children. I asked him, “John, is this your family?”
I could never have imagined that in his answer, during the next 30 seconds, my own life would be changed forever! In those 30 seconds my marriage and my life changed dramatically. “Yes, Ron, it was,” he said, “the first 30 years of my life I spent building my wealth, all the while treating my wife like a water glass—when I should have been holding her like a fine wine glass.” I had to hold back tears as this robust CEO wept like a child, as he described how his marriage was destroyed in 30 seconds.
Now, I know what you’re thinking, “Ron, this did not happen in 30 seconds. His marriage was destroyed over a process of years.” You’re right, however, in the final crisis—an emotional blow-up—it took only 30 seconds for her to say, “That’s it. I’m gone.”
Johns said to me, “Ron, I could have prevented it, if only I could have controlled my mouth!” Sometimes, sobering truth yields amazing fruit! I love this man for his humility and the life lesson he shared. His words that day changed my marriage, as well as my perception as to what can happen in a 30 second decision.
All of the progress and all of the mistakes we have made—as many and as diverse as they are—share one thing in common: It was a 30 second thought leading to a 30 second decision that started the entire process, be it for good or bad.
Over the following months, we will explore specialized information that has transformed individuals into the best physical shape of their lives—empowering the celebrity bodies you see posted on billboards and magazines across America, and the most wonderful medical breakthroughs for getting healthy and fit. We’ll even discuss the secrets of the most powerful catalyst for change known to man.
We have the choice of how to use the precious 30 seconds of decision. We can dwell on the negative or we can focus on the positive impact those 30 seconds can have on things like our health and physical bodies; our emotions, spiritual walk, relationships, mentality, and even our finances. During the next 30 seconds, begin the thought process that will help you create a lifetime of health and longevity.
Over the last decade I have had the honor and privilege of helping thousands of people take what seemed to be the impossibilities of life, and within a very short time, enabled them to turn the impossible into the possible. You’re no exception!
“Anything in life can be achieved successfully, when it’s done repetitiously!”
Be ready in coming months for a life changing fitness plan; one guaranteed to create for you, a more vital and healthy life. The insights and concepts we are going to introduce will be life changing and empowering.
Your focus/short term goal for the week: Take 30 seconds and call or tell someone how much you love him or her. This will begin a healing process that no over-the-counter supplement can produce. If you get that done, then take 30 seconds and write down your goal(s) for 2010. You can list one goal or 100—it doesn’t matter. Just get them down. It should only take you 30 seconds!
2010 is going to be your best year yet!
Special note from Ron:
And speaking of these 30 seconds at hand, I would like to take these to honor Lorrie Sullenberger, ALIVE’s former fitness columnist. “Thank you, Lorrie!” Thank you for setting the pattern of successful thinking and for being such a positive influence for so many over the past several years. And “thank you” again, Lorrie, and to your husband, Sully, not only for preventing drowning in the Hudson, but for helping those who may have been drowning in our own weaknesses in life. You and Sully have been used by God in ways too numerous to articulate.
Ron KardashianRON KARDASHIAN is a life coach, fitness expert, educator, conference speaker, author, national television and radio personality, and NSCA-certified strength and conditioning coach. Kardashian was one of America’s first life coaches. In 1994, he founded Kingdom Conditioning and has since inspired hundreds to reach their full physical, mental and spiritual potential. Having completed over 12,000 hours of coaching, Kardashian has been twice nominated as Personal Trainer of the Year. He has been an honored speaker for the National Strength and Conditioning Association, one of the largest institutions of health and fitness in the U.S.
Considered a “coach’s coach,” he has empowered executives to operate at peak performance; personally, professionally, and most important , spiritually.
Ron also heads a 501 (c) 3 non-profit corporation that is relentless in its efforts to communicate the power of bringing optimal health to all walks of life. This organization’s mission is to fight obesity and all related diseases on a global scale. Across the globe, Kardashian’s integrated, holistic approach has garnered amazing results, making him a powerful, compelling voice of change for professional athletes, CEOs, political leaders, and clergymen of every age, religion, and creed. Ron lives in California with his beautiful wife, Tia, and two children.