Beth Batchelor is a HOOT! I hadn’t met her before even though we’ve lived in the same community for almost fifty years. In our first conversation, I mentioned that my goal in life is to Live ‘Til I Die! She quickly corrected me saying that I needed to change that life goal to, Live WELL ‘Til I Die! Thus, the title of this article, and may I say, a life goal that pretty much exemplifies Beth Batchelor.

Beth is truly amazing. She and her husband, Steve, moved to Alamo fifty years ago. An artist for almost ninety years, Beth studied art as a young girl and at the age of 14 won the Brooklyn Museum textile design competition. She went on to study commercial art at Cooper Union Art School and Girl’s Commercial Art High School in Brooklyn, creating a career in graphic art for a variety of large companies. Beth married Steve, a retired sea captain who was licensed as a captain at 18 and traveled the world for many years. At 103 and 97 years of age, after 60 years of marriage, Beth and Steve still live independently in the home they purchased when they first moved to Alamo.

Talented artist and teacher, Beth’s passion led her to founding the Alamo Danville Artists Society (ASAD) in 1977, an organization that has encouraged many local artists to the enjoyment of our entire community. ASAD is, to this day, an active, thriving part of the Alamo-Danville, the San Ramon Valley, and the Bay Area culture. Our passionate Lady didn’t stop there, she also founded the Contra Costa Academy of Fine Arts in 2001.

The indomitable Miss Beth also has a lot of life lessons she wants to share.
Longevity Tips from Beth include:
- Eliminate Processed Foods
- Avoid Stressful People
- Cultivate Laughter
- Get a Bitsy (Pet)
- Speak Positively
- Think Hopefully
- Have Empathy
These Life Lessons have obviously worked well for Beth. If it hadn’t been for all of her friends on social media I wouldn’t have met her. I wouldn’t have gotten to decorate my SUV in pink and purple ribbons and followed her dear friends through her neighborhood honking my horn and screaming “Happy Birthday” at the top of my lungs out my windows and sunroof like a crazy lady.

I would have missed the elegant Beth Batchelor, sitting at the top of her stairs, like she’s holding Court in her gold sequined gown and tiara. At her feet and down the stairs was her second favorite man—Elvis.
The Bay Area’s #1 Elvis Impersonator, Rick Torres, was there with all of his sound equipment to give Beth all her favorite songs.

Now this is a secret I wouldn’t want her husband, Steve, to hear, but as Elvis was singing “It’s Now or Never,” I do believe I saw our saucy lady looking directly at him and mouthing, “It’s now”. What fun!

Beth Batchelor, 103 years old and cultivating laughter wherever she goes!
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