The next bold headline on the front page of the Roswell Daily Record on Monday, July 7, 1947, basically sucked the air out of the Roswell UFO Crash story, by stating, “Gen. Ramey Empties the Roswell Saucer,” and of course photographs taken by J. Bond Johnson started appearing in numerous publications, showing an embarrassed Major Jesse Marcel holding torn foil and rubber shreds of the purported weather balloon, substituted by General Ramey, at the Fort Worth, Texas Airbase.
Give this scenario, some thought Major Marcel has an embarrassed, almost apologetic grin on his face in the photograph as if saying, “You’ve got to be kidding. This isn’t the stuff I brought back from the Roswell debris field!” Not only that, Major Marcel was the Intelligence Officer of the 509th Bomber Group. Was he really that dumb? He’d been a pilot in WWII and had seen just about every model plane built at the time—and, he’d seen hundreds of weather balloons being sent aloft. He knew what he had seen, and it was no damned weather balloon!

Many years later, when both Marcel and Ramey had left the military, Ramey came over to visit Marcel one day, with his wife, as they apparently did on occasion for coffee and cake. When the two men were in the kitchen by themselves, Ramey pulled out of his jacket pocket, a short length of an I-beam from the Roswell Crash, with the strange purple hieroglyphic characters stamped on it and showed it to Marcel. They both just looked at each other and said nothing. They both knew something momentous had taken place that they both had participated in covering up. Over the years, the Roswell I-beam got lost in time. It’s probably sitting at the bottom of a drawer, waiting to be rediscovered.
A couple of things about those newspaper photographs have nagged at me since I first saw them in our little apartment In Algrange, Moselle, France, 5230 miles from Roswell, way back in 1952. I was just ten, and my father, George Sr., and uncle Bert, were discussing the Roswell Crash, which had just appeared in a French tabloid named Radar or La Dominica del Corriere. It showed the photo with General Ramey and Colonel Dubose, inspecting the fake balloon debris. I said to my father and uncle, “That stuff looks old and beat-up like it’s been sitting in somebody’s barn.” “Oui, oui,” they both agreed.
In 1956, we had made it to the United States. I was 14 and had to learn English and my folks had made it clear that I had to do well in school, just like I had done in France. My interest in UFOs and things extraterrestrial were put on hold.
A couple of decades down the road, I was married and had two daughters. I had a steady job and the old interest in things extraterrestrial reawakened. I started going to UFO conferences in San Francisco and San Jose, even traveling all the way to Laughlin, Nevada. At almost all of these gatherings, someone would make a presentation on the latest news regarding the Roswell Incident, as more and more evidence was being discovered about the UFO and its Alien occupants. After all those many years, witnesses were coming forward, who had in 1947, been threatened by the Military if they didn’t keep quiet about what they had seen. Even some members of the military who had participated in the crash recovery and the clearing of the debris field started talking as well; some even on their deathbeds, saying “I’m dying. What more could the military do to me?”
Let me add an interesting ingredient to the whole Roswell Crash soup. I’ve read about this over the years, but had not paid it much attention, until now. On or about Saturday, July 5th, 1947, a sheepherder in central New Mexico, came upon a crashed flying disk. He kept his discovery a secret for many years. So, at the time of the Roswell Crash, the whole world was unaware of his find; except perhaps the US Military? The reason I bring this episode up is, central New Mexico is a rather nonspecific location, which by the way, puts this discovery, not so very far from the Roswell Crash. So, here’s my theory:
1) When the spaceship that crashed near Brazel’s ranch was finally located, it had a large gash, as best as I can recall, on its left side. What caused the gash?
2) In addition, a couple of the occupants were badly mutilated. Why?
3) An enormous debris field was left behind, following an apparent explosion. A debris field covering an area of ¾ x ½ mile. Why such a large debris field from what was a relatively small UFO?
4) Would an explosion have caused the large gash in the side of the Roswell Flyer, or did something perhaps collide with it, ripping open its side, causing it to spill a lot of its contents? And, in the process, also injure some of the occupants while causing the object to come crashing down in the gully, against the side of the arroyo?
Over the years, I have read that somewhere near the debris field, a circular imprint had been left in the soil, with apparently some vitrification of some of the gravel, indicating contact with a source of very high heat. Yet, the Roswell UFO was not circular in shape; it was rather oval and forward-moving, not spinning like a saucer. Also, no crashed saucer was found nearby. So, why were some folks claiming that a flying saucer had crashed at Roswell? Now, is it possible that a flying disk was observed and after colliding with the Roswell Flyer, made an emergency landing near the debris field, but then was able to take off, to eventually crash in “Central New Mexico?”
Is it possible that the witnesses claiming to have observed a flying disk in the general area of the Roswell Crash, had actually gotten a glimpse of the disk-shaped craft that had collided with the Roswell flyer?
These are just some of the questions I have never heard raised in any publication or at any lectures. At the speed that some of these UFOs have been clocked, these two objects colliding in mid-air would have been a genuine possibility. Also, the object was being tracked by several radar installations and would appear and disappear on the radar screens, occasionally changing size, then reappearing. Is it possible that the operators were actually observing not one UFO, but two? By the way, they had been keeping an eye on this UFO since the first or second of July 1947, just a couple of days prior to the Roswell Incident. There was also a concern by the radar operators that due to the extreme unevenness of the terrain, the radar equipment would occasionally lose the object which would then eventually reappear. Is it possible that they were, in fact, unknowingly tracking two separate UFOs, playing hide-n-seek with each other? I wonder if maybe, just maybe, the military knew, since the crafts (s) had been picked up snooping around the White Sands test range?
I’m a simple guy, with simple questions. Here’s another one: If the Roswell Crash was nothing more than a weather balloon, why all the cloak-and-dagger, coverup and deception?
Also, why was it necessary for the US Military to set up two [2] separate debris fields, filled with old balloon debris, near roads, to try to fool the curious public?
Sometime during 1997, on or around the 50th anniversary of the Roswell Incident, the United States Airforce released what they called the definitive report on what really happened at Roswell, in July 1947, entitled “The Roswell Incident: Case Closed.” This report stated that what the Army Air Forces (AAF) had recovered, were not the remains of a crashed “flying disc” near Roswell, New Mexico, as originally reported, but in fact was debris consistent with a balloon device that had most likely come from one of the Mogul test balloons. To make their case more credible, there were pictures of six-foot test dummies, that civilians had apparently mistaken for five-foot alien bodies.
One of the short occupants, with a head larger than a human’s, from the crashed UFO, was observed by several individuals, including civilians at the crash site, walking into the base hospital, alongside one of the nurses, a friend of mortician Glenn Dennis, and possibly even Sheriff Wilcox. So, here’s another one of my simple questions: Could those six-foot tall test dummies walk around, and why would they need to walk into the base hospital?
Final simple question: If it was indeed nothing more than a big balloon that had crashed, why was it necessary to write and release a comprehensive “Final Report,” and orchestrate a cover-up, while spending a fortune to hide the real evidence?
From some of what I read in this Final Report, all it did was further embarrass the Airforce for trying to convince the public that we are so stupid and gullible that we would believe any part of their ridiculous conclusion. A good idiom for the USAF to have abided by would have been, “Let dead aliens lie!”
To sum it all up, this is a tale of what might have been an extraterrestrial flying object crashing in the vicinity of Roswell, New Mexico and the convoluted efforts by the U.S. Military and Government to make the whole incident go away. But you know the old saying: “Once you’ve squeezed the toothpaste out of the tube, you can’t make it go back inside.”
If you decide to read any of the books I recommend or watch the videos listed below, you will realize that dozens of civilians and military personnel were told to keep quiet, or else. Why? Many of them have since come out, thirty and forty years later, to tell the story they were told not to tell, at the risk of getting in trouble with the government. You can read and see what really happened through their testimony. But why such great efforts have been put into covering up the crash of nothing more than a weather balloon, is beyond belief?
Therefore, we must assume that the government knew exactly what had crashed and, they also knew why they had to keep it a secret. They just didn’t want us, the ones who pay their salaries, to know, because they felt that we were too stupid and ignorant to understand the gravity of the secret. So, it must have been a very deep and dark secret indeed.
Perhaps, as some people have postulated, these beings were us, from the future, coming back to warn us? Remember the good Sgt. Gonzales who helped extricate the only live alien from the crashed UFO? Remember what he said: “The large headed diminutive, injured alien, communicated with me in English”?
Another, strange tidbit I picked up some while back, had to do with the “Alien Autopsies.” According to the results, these small beings were missing certain human organs, among them, a digestive system; i.e., the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, etc. So what kept them alive? Or, is it just possible that they were/are some sort of living flesh and blood androids or robots? Perhaps, they are Genetically-Engineered Intelligent Biological Entities, or GEIBEs. I know, one can get carried away, trying to figure out what exactly we’re dealing with!
Also, quiet for some 40 years, a member of an archeological group surveying the area at the time of the Roswell Incident, who happened upon the crashed UFO and even attempted to help the injured alien but, was told by the high ranking officers to mind their business and not to say anything about what they saw, or else their projects might lose government funding. So, until the 1990s, they kept quiet, until finally, one of them, spoke out. This is why, at the time of the crash, no one was even aware of them.
No one knows if all who had been witnesses to the Roswell Crash of July 4, 1947, have been found or come forward to expose the most complex government cover-up ever. Is the Government afraid to release the truth because we might be unable to handle the truth? Will we ever know the truth about the Roswell Crash?
For more information about the Roswell Incident, I recommend the following:
Roswell 1947, by Acie Cargill,
The Day After Roswell, by Col. Philip Corso and William Birnes
The Truth About the UFO Crash at Roswell, by Kevin Randle and Donald R. Schmitt
There are a number of DVDs on the topic as well, including:
Alien Crash at Roswell: The UFO Truth Lost In Time, and UFO Secret: The Roswell Crash- The Best Evidence, 2 DVD Special Edition by Kevin Randle and Don Schmitt
There are many other books and videos available on the web, and in January of 2020, the History Channel series Project Blue Book will return, including one episode that deals with the Roswell UFO Crash.