With each New Year comes renewed hope for the future. Rife with excitement and expectation, we rejoice in blessings past and the opportunities ahead. What better time to consider some half-forgotten
interest or passion set aside? Last year I did just that. I reacquainted myself with a sport I was once passionate about—skiing.
I first learned to ski as high school junior, in 1973. I loved the sport so much that three years later, in 1976, I started a ski tour company. Through that enterprise I was afforded the opportunity to ski just about every week for the next fifteen years. Then, in 1990, as sometimes happens, life had other plans for me. Conditions changed to where I had to leave my passion for skiing behind.
Since that time, on occasion, I thought about getting back on the slopes. But that voice inside was always silenced by another one— the one reminding me of all of the reasons to put thoughts of skiing
back into the “memories” file. I no longer owned ski equipment or clothing, and, for that matter, I wasn’t twenty-two anymore, either!
But I suppose what defines something as one’s passion is the fact that it never leaves you alone. It persists in vying for your attention.
In my case, I was reminded every year, prompted by my good friend and ski partner from those early years, Del, saying, “We’ve got to go skiing this year!” Then there was the heartfelt desire to have my son
experience the same joy I had felt so many years ago; the wonderful sound of fresh-packed snow crunching under your skis and that feeling of flying. I really had no other choice but to try skiing again.
After a twenty year hiatus, last April, I went skiing again. And what a feeling it was! Even though I will admit I was a bit winded earlier in the day than I would likely have been twenty years ago, it really felt as if I had been skiing all along. My passion was re-kindled, only it was better because now I could share it with my son.
As this New Year unfolds, I implore you to identify some interest—some passion that you have, for whatever reason, pushed aside. Is it the piano? Is it a language; reading; writing; painting; or going back to earn your degree? Or maybe, it’s skiing.
Whatever voice inside calls, my wish for the New Year is that you hear it and be reacquainted with your passion.