Happy New Year 2019! A new year brings with it hope and fresh starts. Sentinels of Freedom brings both of those to the severely wounded veterans in our program.
One of our local Sentinels, Joshua Chinn, grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area and joined the Army after high school. He served our country for eight years.

While in Iraq, his vehicle was attacked and struck by an improvised explosive device (IED). He suffered extensive injuries including multiple broken bones, a shattered hip, three gunshot wounds, over 75 pieces of shrapnel lodged in his legs, and a traumatic brain injury (TBI). His heart stopped beating twice before reaching the hospital in Germany. It took three months and over 50 surgeries before he could even get out of bed. Still, he considers himself lucky to be alive.

Joshua has found a new purpose in life through an internship with the HERO Corps (Human Exploitation and Rescue Operatives) where he hunts down child predators in cyberspace to stop child exploitation and abuse. It was during the first phase of the unpaid internship that Joshua connected with SOF. The financial assistance SOF provides has been invaluable to the survival of Joshua and his family.

In addition to the financial support, SOF connected Joshua with a local team of mentors to assist with getting him settled back into the Bay Area. He currently lives in the East Bay with his wife and their two young boys while he completes his internship with Homeland Security in San Francisco. The fresh start he received thanks to the generosity of our family of donors has given him and his family hope for the future.
Please help more wounded veterans get a fresh start and bring hope into their lives! Consider donating to Sentinels of Freedom today.