If you’re an ALIVE reader, you know our mix and depth of material is extensive. We cover everything from music, gardening, automotive, cooking, beauty, film and fashion; to sports, travel, trivia, and humor. Where else can you learn about the newest hybrid vehicle, the Galopagos Islands and Honey-Glazed Butternut Squash Salad, all in a single issue of a magazine?
In addition to being regular contributors in ALIVE, many of our writers, like Mike, Bob, Peggy, Harry, Trina and Anita, are accomplished authors as well, having their own, highly acclaimed books in the marketplace. (Just do an author search on Amazon to find their books).
With so many of our writers already having published books, it occurred to us that this area—the San Francisco Bay Area—would be well served by a local company that is able to work with authors in getting their manuscripts published and marketed. While there are numerous “self publishing” resources to be found online, we knew there would be value in being able to work with someone face-to-face; where the author could work directly with the publisher, editors and designers—the people actually producing and marketing an author’s work.
We also knew that our eight years experience as ALIVE Mediaworks, where we produce a quality monthly magazine, create complete display advertising campaigns, produce videos, TV commercials and websites, made us uniquely qualified in the book publishing industry. We have the tools to not only publish, but effectively market an author’s book as well.
The fact is, we live in an area rich in editorial expertise; lots of good writers live here, and all of them could benefit by being able to visit their publisher, in person, as opposed to simply sending their manuscript off into “the cloud” and communicating solely by email.
If you are a writer or aspiring author, you probably have a number of questions about how get your book published. If you’ve already searched online, you may even be feeling a bit confused or unsure as to what is the best direction to take.
In this issue of ALIVE, I offer an introductory article about the book publishing industry today (page 20) describing the options available to authors. Take a look, and then call me. I’d love to hear about your book project!