The latest off the web: Three US senators have reportedly been briefed by the Pentagon Wednesday (06/19/2019) about recent reports of “Unidentifiable Flying Objects” or UFO sightings by military pilots. The revelation comes in the wake of President Trump stating that he had also been briefed on these unidentified aerial phenomena encounters but that he didn’t believe in them. I say, too bad! One of the three senators briefed was Mark Warner (D-Va.), the vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, whose spokesperson said: “If naval pilots are running into unexplained interference in the air, that’s a safety concern Senator Warner believes we need to get to the bottom of,” Politico reported. Apparently, none of these recent objects posed any threat to the military flyers.

That’s the latest, in regard to Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. They have been called UFOs or Unidentified Flying Objects, or even OVNI (Objet Volant Non-Identifié) by the French, and sometimes we just call them Flying Saucers. However, we are no longer seeing just the characteristic saucer shape in these mysterious sightings; there have been cigar shaped objects, cube-shaped, ball-shaped, and even elongated asteroid-looking objects. The scariest part of all these sightings is that they are taking place all over the globe. What are these objects, travelling unencumbered in our skies, and who or what is piloting them? Are they friend or foe?
Here is where my open mindedness comes in. I have watched too many interviews and exposés to know that, even today, in the twentieth century, narrow-minded people, or scared people, seem to want to feed us the same nonsense that we have been fed since the Roswell Incident, and perhaps even since the middle ages and before. Numerous individuals, from senators to high-ranking military officers, have been shown strange, unexplainable video footage, and yet, they still haven’t got the courage to call these aerial phenomena what they are—either that, or they really do know their source: results of secret, black-ops-funded research projects. Otherwise, they must be otherworldly.
I for one, don’t believe that these objects belong to the Russians, Chicoms or the North Koreans, even if the Little Rocketman is in charge of North Korea’s missile program. All those illustrious geniuses believe that these are the results of our enemies’ possibly leapfrogging us in high technology. We’re talking here about aerial speedsters travelling at anywhere from Mach 3 to Mach 15 (762 mph x Mach designation) or 2,286 mph to 11,430 mph. If any of our Communist adversaries had been able to create these speed demons, we would already be at their mercy, and possibly even colonized by them. So, I must tell you, these unidentified speedsters don’t belong to our adversaries. They are therefore, probably, extraterrestrial in nature, and possibly even intergalactic. I also believe that they are somehow connected to the Creators I wrote about in previous articles, who created us, or, the Creators who created our Creators. Remember?
Well, here is one reason why I believe this: back in 1954, at age 12, a friend and I saw a flying saucer, which had landed on the plateau above the little town of Algrange, in the Moselle district of France. We had just gotten out of school and were on our way home while kicking a soccer ball around. Some kids, running down from the hill, convinced us to deviate from our course by telling us that they had seen a flying saucer landing up on top of the plateau. Neither of us believed any of it, but being curious enough, we decided to climb up the hill to the plateau.

To our surprise, at about a third of a mile distance, to our left and next to a fifteen foot tall hillock, there was indeed what appeared to be a circular object, emitting multiple colored halo of light, sitting on, or floating just above the grassy surface, just a few feet from the line of trees covering the back side of the mountain. We were awestruck by the sight and began slowly advancing toward the unidentified glowing thing, which, upon closer examination, did appear to be circular in shape—sort of like a saucer with a bowl sitting upside down on top of it.
We cut our forward movement short and never did get very close to the glowing thing, as our imagination led us to believe that this thing had come from Mars and its occupants were hell-bent on kidnapping us. So, we turned tail and ran back the way we had come, back down the hill, all the way home. In retrospect, I wish that we could have mustered up a little more courage and would have gotten a bit closer. (If you’re interested in the complete story, it is included in my book, DISPLACED, published by ALIVE Books).
The whole point of including my little incident in this article is, since that time, I have been interested in what’s going on in the skies above, as well as news of strange objects either landing or crashing, as well as the involvement of the military in their recovery.
The other reason for including my experience is that the shape of this strange aerial vehicle, which as it so happens, had been incorporated in several renaissance paintings as well as sculptures going back several thousand years. There have been images of strange flying vehicles found on the walls of pyramids in Egypt, tombs in India, Japan, China, and in Maya and Aztec structures. The reason I’m pointing this out is to show you that these strange flying objects have been around for quite a while, and yet learned academics and military and government officials still believe that they are not real—or at least, they tell us that they do not believe in their presence in our reality.

It does make one wonder whether they (these high-level mucky mucks) know much more than they’re willing to admit. Also, why all the cover-up and secrecy, especially lately, since the proverbial cat (UFO) is out of the bag and has been seen on military videos from jet fighters and has been shown on almost all of the mainstream media channels?
So, you ask “how does any and all of this connect to your (my) theory on who created us and where those creators come from?”
To get around the Cosmos, you need some sort of super speedy conveyance that can travel great distances in a very short time. What we are seeing in these videos taken by military pilots, are objects that can outmaneuver our fastest jet fighters with spectacular aerobatics that would be impossible to duplicate with even our latest model jets of today. The G-forces exerted by these unknown aerial vehicles doing those impossible maneuvers would kill any human pilot, which is why I don’t believe they originate on planet Earth, or else, they are piloted by androids or robots.
So, the big question we should really be asking is, why are they here, what is their purpose or mission; whoever or whatever they may be? My theory is that they are the Monitors or Watchers or if you like—the Observers sent here by the Creators—to check on humanity’s progress in attaining a higher level in their evolutionary plan. As I have written in prior articles, they (the Creators) basically planted us here on planet Earth. They periodically tweak our genome over the millennia and of course, watch over our progress.
As numerous people all over the world have claimed to have been abducted and (medically) examined with various laboratory samples being taken; they are truly keeping a very close eye on us. Either that, or planet Earth is nothing more than a giant zoo, for all the civilizations in the Cosmos to have a central repository of human and animal samples. Could the Earth actually be Noah’s Ark; I mean, the whole planet? Now, there’s something to think about.
Whatever you think or believe, there is plenty of evidentiary data to support my theory; that Humans did not originate on this planet. In his book, Humans are Not from Earth, Ellis Silver, Ph.D., an Ecologist, seems to agree with some of what I have been theorizing and writing, and gives his reasoning as to why he believes that we (Humans) are not of this Earth. He writes, Mankind is supposedly the most advanced species on the planet yet is unsuited and ill-equipped for Earth’s environment.
Paraphrasing some of his conclusions:
Humans suffer from bad backs because they evolved on a world with much lower gravity. We also have a lot of joint issues in our shoulders and the knees. Ruminate on this little factoid: standard atmospheric pressure is about 14.7 pounds per sq. inch at sea level. That’s the equivalent of holding a small car (you know, one of those Smart Cars) on your head at all time. Children are born with such large heads, making their delivery, not only very difficult but painful for the mother giving birth; the only species on this planet with this issue. We humans were not created to be exposed to the sun for great periods of time, without getting sunburned and over longer spans, risk getting Squamous cell carcinoma or skin cancer. Consider lizards and other wild animals that are able to live out in the open, under the Sun, full time, because they were designed for this planet. At a lecture many years ago, the presenter also brought up the issue of why so many of us have allergies or cannot eat certain kinds of foods.
I could go on, but I want to get back to our Monitors and how they are able to flit about in their ultra-high-speed flying vehicles and the fact that they seem to have been with us since time immemorial. Think about this: they are mentioned in the Bible, the Book of Mormon, Northern, Central and South American Indian lore, Chinese, Hindu and Japanese legends, Australian Aboriginal and Easter Island tales, as well as too many other writings to mention here, all clearly describing very similar origins for mankind and its interactions with visitors from the stars. So why, do those in the know in government and the sciences refuse to acknowledge that fact that interstellar voyagers, going back millennia have been in contact with us earthlings? Arrogance, perhaps? Or is it ignorance?
Those who have been shown the evidence but refuse to accept it for what it is, have blinders on their brains. To be continued…