Would it be an exaggeration to say that for some time we’ve all been on, or at least witnesses to, a bit of a wild ride? A tide of awareness, enabled by social networking and technology, has flooded previously oppressed masses as the term “global economy” echoes from New York to California and beyond.
Here at home, average Americans (and even some politicians) are experiencing an awakening of sorts too, coming to grips with severe budget woes by realizing that wealth is earned by providing real goods and services and that “created” economic stimulus concoctions are like trying to fill the shallow end of a pool by scooping water from the deep end.
We’ve suffered doses of tragedy and catastrophe, as good people we know or know of have suffered, from Phoenix, Arizona to Christchurch, New Zealand. And as if real issues were not enough to deal with, we’ve struggled to explain to our kids the inequities and ironies of life, like material wealth and celebrity status bestowed upon one of the “Two-and-a-Half ____.” (If ever there was an oxymoron, it would be here in using the word “men.”)
To be sure, a lot has happened of late; much of it being difficult to process. But process it we will, one way or another.
The coming of spring is always a good time to take stock of what really matters and appreciate the fact that with all change and struggle come opportunities for real, significant growth. And that applies to individuals, groups, and even nations.
Remember that for all of the bad and ugly we endure, good always has and always will, prevail.