It is not the germs we need worry about. It is our inner terrain. ~ Louis Pasteur
In his final years, Louis Pasteur made the above statement emphasizing the importance of focusing on our inner terrain to improve our health rather than focusing on the germs around us. How ironic that Pasteur was the founder of the germ theory of disease, which our modern medicine clings to. Too bad we didn’t listen to his final words.
The reason I began with this this famous quote of Pasteur’s is that we all have the ability to make our “terrain,” once again into what out Creator gave us. If you have been reading my articles, I have mentioned that it is not the “Flu” season, but the season of obnoxious eating, which extends from Halloween through Easter. These traditions can lead to obesity that can create or exacerbate OSA, as well as increase inflammation. Since inflammation leads to a lower immune system, then, yes, untreated OSA can give you the flu.
Several years ago, in one my first articles in ALIVE Magazine, I stated that one of the primary causes of many of our diseases is inflammation. If inflammation is added into the equation of the body’s “terrain,” it becomes a flashing sign, inviting any number of diseases and germs that are always waiting in the wings to do as much damage as possible.
There are many factors that create inflammation including inflammatory foods (like sugar, starch, and lectin), destructive habits and lifestyles, stress, and Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). A medical test that should be routinely given called a CRP (C-Reactive Protein) can let the doctor know whether a patient has been creating a terrain that either invites disease or fights disease. The CRP level is usually quite elevated when OSA is not treated and even more so when the patient is overweight. To add insult to injury, OSA can stimulate the release of several cytokines, immune system poisons, which when out of control can cause several serious diseases including toxic shock.
There is great news. OSA, when treated by highly qualified doctors, can be corrected. Last week, a well-respected pulmonologist came to my office excited to report the successful sleep study results of her patients that I had fitted with oral appliances. In my office, Advanced Oral Diagnosis and Treatment Center, we design and adjust our oral appliances in order to get optimal results. Each patient’s airway is unique. Some patients benefit from having their jaw positioned forward, while others need to be slightly open as well. We don’t guess at it; we use an in-office device to find the optimal position. Also, because we specialize in TMJ, our patients can have the added security knowing that they will receive a properly fitted appliance.
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