It is more common than not that my patients believe that joint pain is an inevitable sign of aging and arthritis is to be expected as we grow older. As we experience pain and swelling in our fingers, wrists, knees or any joint, it’s easy to jump to the conclusion that our joints are “wearing down” from use, like car parts. But our bodies are not made up of mechanical pieces with built-in obsolescence; they are made up of living cells that can actually strengthen and grow when fully nourished and used properly. Instead, joint pain is most often a sign of chronic inflammation. When a person learns to solve these underlying problems, most find their joint pain and stiffness significantly improve, or disappear altogether.
How does chronic inflammation lead to pain?
The healthy immune system triggers the inflammatory response to deal with sporadic threats like injury or infection. In a healthy individual the inflammatory response is quick to resolve, it comes on then subsides. But in many, the inflammatory response is constantly on a low “simmer.” This chronic, low-grade inflammation prevents cell regeneration and repair and gradually tears down tissues — including those in your joints.
Some causes of chronic inflammation:
Poor Dietary Habits and Food Allergies: Chronic inflammation can be caused by a diet that’s too high in refined carbohydrates and sugars and too low in essential fatty acids. A high-carb diet promotes prolonged high levels of insulin, which disrupts cellular metabolism and spreads inflammation. Undiagnosed food allergies or sensitivities also contribute to inflammation when those foods are eaten.
Vitamin and Mineral deficiencies: Overwhelming scientific evidence confirms that vitamin deficiencies are associated with disease processes and the overall condition of one’s health. Vitamin, mineral and antioxidant deficiencies have been shown to suppress immune function and contribute to chronic degenerative processes such as chronic inflammation, arthritis, cancer, Alzheimer’s, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Research shows that 50% of people taking multivitamins are still nutritionally deficient.
Poor Digestion: Stress, poor food quality, drug and antibiotic use, break down the digestive barrier allowing large particles of undigested matter to seep into the blood stream causing a cascade of inflammation resulting in pain and allergies.
Toxic Lifestyle Habits: Smoking, excessive drug and alcohol consumption feed the inflammatory response by placing the body in a state of stress due to chronic toxic overload.
Psychological Stress: Cortisol, the hormone released in response to stress, works as an inflammatory agent. Sustained stress — the kind most of us experience — can cause inflammation to spread like wildfire.
The natural approach to joint pain
Taking medications for pain is not a long term solution. At Align Healing Center we specialize in combining medical science with natural therapies allowing your body to heal from the inside out. Finding the solution to your joint pain may seem like a daunting task, don’t go it alone.
We will work with you to create the proper program you need to begin to reclaim a pain free life.
We’ve had great success helping people solve the causes of their pain. If you suffer from chronic pain it is worth your while to spend some time figuring out which of any number of factors are contributing to it — and which combination of therapies will help heal it.
What patients are saying
I’ve had on-going back and spine issues and have been unable to get any relief. I’ve seen orthopedic surgeons and neurologists and have come away from those doctors frustrated, confused and still hurting. Since seeing Dr. Maimone, I am regaining my health, spirit and confidence. Dr. Maimone has helped me regain my strength and freedom again. Pat W. Alamo
Dr. Niele Maimone, DC owner Align Healing Center in Danville, CA has been active in natural health & wellness since 1999. For more information or to set up a consult call 925.362.8283 or visit