“Ron, how do I lose the Fat?”
“Ron, how do I tone and firm my waist?”
“Ron, how do I lose weight, period?”
“Ron, how do I get myself back on track?”
Have you every asked a fitness professional or your doctor any of these top four questions? If so, you’re just like the billions of people worldwide who are suffering from some type of physical elastic disorder.
As a professional trainer and CEO’s life coach, I deal with the strongest of headstrong individuals. You’re not an exception to the rule if you think you are thick headed.
The Body Fat Cure.
Simply put, the answer to this question is in what I call “Elastic Conscience.” What I mean by this is where you get to a place in your life whereby you do well for a while but then, over several weeks, like elastic, you begin to stretch your thinking and say to yourself, “oh, just one of these cookies won’t kill me,” or, “that trainer does not really know my body; that coach doesn’t know everything.” Then, information begins to flow and your conscience has an inner identification or witness to what you hear. The slightest sign of compromise or “elastic conscience” needs to be shattered! Unsettled compromises lead to devastation in one’s life. However, a quote I have coined for years works:
Anything in life can be achieved successfully when it’s done repetitiously!
When life begins to invade your soul on levels where by you find yourself stretching the truth, it’s a subtle way for your spirit, soul and body to tell you that you’re beginning to dull your senses
The KEY: Catch It! Catch yourself and open your mouth and speak: “STOP. Body, you are going to achieve your goal and that’s not included in it! Mind, you are set on keeping your kids on a low sugar diet, so I’m sorry kids, but no late night eating. Body, stop thinking those thoughts. You know what real truth is!”
As you apply “self” to “self control,” you’ll be amazed as you watch your body refrain from the elastic conscience of life to a mind that is set to achieve anything you set your mind too—that includes consistent exercise and abstaining from foods that are high in sugar and fried. Sugar feeds cancer and hydrogenated oil make you fat and sickly.
Goal this week: ASSESS: What are the issues of my life that I have strong convictions about that I may be letting slip? What foods do I find myself eating? After you’ve asked these of yourself, bring them back into order. You’ll be glad you did and simultaneously be burning the belly fat!
Ron Kardashian
Ron Kardashian is a life coach, fitness expert, educator, conference speaker, author, national television and radio personality, and NSCA-certified strength and conditioning coach. Kardashian was one of America’s first life coaches. In 1994, he founded Kardashian Life Coaching & Personal Training and has since inspired hundreds to reach their full physical, mental and spiritual potential.
Kardashian has been twice nominated as Personal Trainer of the Year. He has been an honored speaker for the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Considered a “coach’s coach,” he has empowered executives to operate at peak performance; personally, professionally, and most important , spiritually.
Ron also heads a 501 (c) 3 non-profit corporation that is relentless in its efforts of bringing optimal health to people of all walks of life. This organization’s mission is to fight obesity and related diseases on a global scale. Across the globe, Kardashian’s unique approach has garnered amazing results, making him a powerful, voice of change for professional athletes, CEOs, political leaders, and clergymen of every age, religion, and creed. Ron lives in California with his beautiful wife, Tia, and two children.