Back in 1958, when I was still just adjusting to our new life in the United States, as well as trying to get over my father’s death, some nice old ladies at Trinity Church in Berkeley, where my parents were caretakers, gave me an Ant Farm. I haven’t seen one for years, so some of you, particularly millennials, may not even know what I’m talking about. It was a box filled with sand, that a whole colony of ants had been relocated to. For hours on end, I could watch those hard-working little critters build tunnels, carry bits of gravel five times their size, as well as pieces of the tiny vegetation that had been planted on top of the sand. I just watched and watched, and wondered, what in heck the ants thought of my giant eyeballs observing their goings-on. I often wondered, how I would feel, being observed by beings that were far superior to me. Since ET beings may been observing us for years now, perhaps millennia, I have a sense of how those ants might have felt.
By the way, after a few months, the ant colony died out, just like I believe the first modern humans that had been transferred here to planet Earth did, by the ETs, 300 to 400,000 years ago, and again, 50,000 years or so ago, from our planet of origin.
Not only that, but I believe that along with us, other groups of Hominins had been “relocated” to various other regions of Earth; possibly, by various other extraterrestrial groups. Not only that but, the ETs may have not only been relocating and observing us, but also manipulating our genome, as well as meddling in our affairs ever since.

Why, just the other day, I was trying to explain to a friend, why I believed that we Humans, did not originate on planet Earth but, might actually have originated on another planet, possibly Mars, making us extraterrestrials. My friend just smirked, saying “I can believe you came from Mars. You kinda look like a Martian!” He then left, laughing his head off. He thought that I had lost my mind. Sometimes you just have to open your mind to let new ideas in before you laugh your ass off! What he didn’t realize is “he,” would then also be a Martian. As I have indicated earlier, at the time of our resettlement from our planet of origin, there were already other hominins occupying different regions of Earth, who probably came here as we did, but much earlier and from other parts of the cosmos.
Over the years, I have found a handful of authors who investigate the possibility of our ET origin with a 21st century mindset. First, there is Erich Von Däniken who, all the way back in the early 1970s, came out with Chariots of the Gods, questioning long-held beliefs that we were the crown-jewel of creation (on Earth). Soon after, in 1976 came Zecharia Sitchin with a somewhat different take on humanity’s origins, with his 12th Planet series, explaining how it was the Annunaki who meddled in human affairs, by going as far as manipulating our genome to create the perfect worker humans. His best title on the topic, The Wars of Gods and Men, is an excellent read, as it details, why humans are such an aggressive, warmongering lot. And, the latest notable to join this rather limited group of clear thinkers is Ellis Silver, PhD, with his excellent tome, Humans Are NOT From Earth, listing hundreds of facts accumulated through exhaustive research, in support of his theory. There are others that I have not listed, and there may be others that I am not even aware of.
I became interested in the topic, way back in 1952 or 53, when one day, my uncle Bert brought home a French language tabloid entitled, Radar (Rah-dahr), with a front-page article entitled, L’Incident de Roswell, or, The Roswell Incident, of which I wrote a couple months ago. Just so you understand, at the time, we were living in France following a stint in a WWII Displaced Persons Camp in Austria before we got to emigrate to the USA. After one of my mother’s tasty Chicken Paprikash Sunday dinners, the grown-ups were relaxing with a glass of Mouton Cadet and a cigarette as they were listening to me reading the “Roswell Incident.” As I had been in school for the past three years, I was rather fluent in French, as opposed to the old folks, who needed a little more time to become comfortable with the language. As I got finished with the article, a discussion ensued. The grown-ups talked about the possibility of extraterrestrials and flying saucers, as well as the possible origins of humans. As I had not only read the article, but then translated it for them, I was allowed to partake in the discussion.
This is when my father declared that planet Earth was nothing more than a galactic Penal Colony, where Human beings had been banished for their criminal behavior. Papa went on explaining, “Just look at all the vicious, blood-thirsty dictators and their minions that the Earth has produced, like Hitler, Stalin, and Mao-Tze Dong.” He further explained how before the above three mass-murderers mowed down innocents all over the planet, we had numerous others who would have fit right in with this gang. He spoke of all the barbarians that rampaged throughout Europe and Asia, with nothing more than killing and conquest on their minds. He would say that men were the only creatures on the planet that went about killing the opposition as a solution to disputes. The first two thousand years of the Christian Era were all about war and conquest; over religion, no less.
Take for instance the Ottoman Empire which has threatened Christian Europe for over a thousand years, with extinction or conversion to its way of life by the sword. That is a pretty unnerving existence to have to live next-door to neighbors who would wish to wipe you out, because they couldn’t stand for the idea that you believed in a different God and prayed in a different church. To the list, my father added Tomás de Torquemada, the head of the Spanish Inquisition, who managed to prosecute around 150,000 souls for not properly following the teachings of the church, according to his interpretation. Out of that lot, the vicious head inquisitor managed to have between 5,000 and 6,000 put to death, all in the name of religion. Before that, we had the Crusades, another campaign over religious beliefs. It makes one wonder why the Extraterrestrials foisted religion on us Humans. Perhaps to give us reason to wage war and to distract us from spending too much time trying to discover our origins?
There was the Hundred Years’ War which lasted from 1337 to 1453, between the House of Plantagenet, rulers of England and the French House of Valois, over who would rule the Kingdom of France at the cost of thousands of lives. There are numerous other instances where war was waged to settle such differences; too many to list here. If you’ve ever taken a World History class, the main topic discussed is waging war for conquest, or who would be in charge.
Some of the wars that didn’t get discussed took place in the skies above India, as far back as 6000 to 7000 years ago. Some say that India’s ancient history might go back as far as 40,000 years. The reason we never talked about these aerial conflicts in ancient India is because, according to mainstream academia, these weren’t real events that took place. They were and are still considered mythological in nature; in other words, legends and faery tales. However, if you listen to some Indian scholars, they will tell you that these conflicts were, in fact, very real and are well-documented in ancient writings, such as the Mahabharata and the Ramayana, wherein tales of opposing factions waged war in flying machines called Vimanas in the skies above ancient India and to the people of the time, these were very real events. Those Vimanas were able to shoot each other out of the sky with deadly ray weapons and even dropped bombs on each other’s earthly strongholds, wiping out cities and thousands of people. Some of the very ancient and highly decorated temple structures you find in India today, were actually designed to look like those ancient flying machines, the Vimanas. These ancient battles were again being fought between two opposing factions, over who would eventually be in power here on Earth and possibly in the cosmos.
End of Part 1. This series to be continued in next month’s issue of ALIVE.
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