Okay, I admit it; I cry when a marching band goes by. I also tear up when God Bless America is sung. While I am free to criticize my government at times and do, I consider myself a Patriot, yes a capital “P” patriot.
One of my biggest fears is that true Patriotism is at risk of fading away…one young person at a time. I was recently at my grandkids’ graduations. Yes, grandkids. I had two graduating from middle school and one from high school. As I looked around, so many in the audiences were showing no respect to our pledge, anthem or flag. It’s not like they were burning flags or never even had them visible, but the majority didn’t even put a hand over their heart. This is the generation watching their “role model” athletes taking a knee at the pro games. I did see some that gave me hope—especially since they belonged to me! It’s not that I did anything special, but I did raise my son and daughter to raise sons and daughters to have some insight into the incredible country they live in. Do you know how truly amazing the United States of America is? It’s a country worth fighting for and a culture to be proud of, in spite of what some say. This is my country; “land that I love.” I never give up on her, never turn against her, and I teach my children to do the same.
There are “must see” movies this time of year. Independence Day may not be the deepest, or even the most well-acted, but for just sheer fun, it can’t be beat! This film dates back to 1996 but I just watched it again and enjoyed it almost as much as the first time.

The aliens are coming, the aliens are coming…and this time they really are. Apparently, out of nowhere every major city in the world has a massive spaceship hovering above. These mother ships have lots and lots of baby ships. At first the thought is to see if we can make new friends but it soon becomes obvious that they are here to annihilate humans and take our resources.
Independence Day’s strong suite is not plot, obviously. It’s the resilience of mankind. It’s got good guys, better guys and superheroes. Will Smith is cocky Marine fighter pilot, Captain Steven Hiller who has had yet another rejection from NASA. There is the nerd, played as only Jeff Goldblum can, and a host of other recognizable names including Harry Connick, Jr., Vivica A. Fox, Randy Quaid, Judd Hirsch, Mary McDonnell, Robert Loggia and Margaret Colin.
What I like most about Independence Day is its spirit of optimism. America was founded on that ‘can do’ attitude. Bill Pullman plays President Thomas Whitmore. One morning he awakens to the find the mother ship of all mother ships literally hanging over his head. He and a few trusted others hop on Air Force One and head, well anywhere but Washington D.C. Since all the major cities have the same view in the sky, he ends up in California at Area 51. The very place where all this begun and not even the President had been privy to.
I couldn’t help but almost get to my feet and cheer when Mr. President, a former fighter pilot goes after the aliens! I know this is totally unrealistic but it felt so good to have a real leader, top gun, top dog, protecting the good old US of A!
So, don’t take this film too seriously. Don’t look too close, but do watch it and enjoy. It’s good family fare if the kids aren’t too young to hear some swear words. This movie just had to have a few. All in all, Independence Day, makes you stand up a little taller, hold your head a little higher and just plain makes you proud to be an American!
Comments are always welcome at Carolyn@carolynhastings.com
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