Q. Tom, my spouse and I were transferred here from the east coast about two years ago and we love the Diablo Valley! We purposely waited to buy a home until the real estate market stabilized; now we intend to purchase in the next 90 days or so. With so much information available to us on the internet, do we really need a Realtor?
Great question! In the old days when Realtors controlled nearly all the information about homes and MLS listing books were coveted like top secret documents, “finding and showing” homes to a buyer was a HUGE part of the Realtor value proposition. Now everything is on the internet – multiple pictures, virtual tours and you tube videos that fill your computer or smart phone screen with tons of images, graphs, surveys, data and statistics. And that’s the problem; it’s a tsunami of information that can overwhelm the typical buyer. In many instances, the process of home shopping on the internet actually results in confusion rather than clarity for the consumer. It’s at that point when you are best served by a full-time Realtor who will translate all the data & information into knowledge & expertise, to your benefit—someone who will efficiently drill down on what’s most important to you in your goal to buy the right home and then guide you through the process. So, while today’s professional real estate agent may not actually ‘find’ the home for you, don’t underestimate the impact the Realtor plays in determining the property’s value, researching the property’s sale history, presenting the offer, negotiating price and terms, ratifying the purchase agreement, inspecting the property, renegotiating after inspections, clearing title, validating the appraisal, obtaining loan approval, arranging insurance requirements, closing the escrow on schedule and delivering the home to you in good condition. And that’s just what I can think of off the top of my head! Remember, anyone can search the internet for information but it takes an expert to help you successfully navigate the complexities of a real estate purchase that will affect you and your family’s lifestyle and finances for a long time to come.
Q. I am planning to sell my home soon. What inspections am I expected to provide and how much do the inspections cost?
Another good question! It varies from county to county but here in Contra Costa it is customary for the seller to only pay for the structural pest inspection; the buyer typically pays for any other inspections that may include property, roof, chimney/fireplace, structural, drainage, pool and/or spa depending on the amenities, age and condition of the subject home. As a seller, you may elect to pay for and complete ALL the above inspections but few sellers do so in our area. A structural pest inspection is usually priced by square footage so depending on the size of your home you can usually expect to pay between $200 – $500 for the inspection. And remember, the pest inspector is not looking for bugs like spiders and ants. The inspector checks for fungus, mildew, dry rot, excessive moisture and termites– things that over time will compromise the structural integrity of the home. If you are searching for a reputable structural pest inspection company to hire, feel free to email me directly for a solid referral.

You can contact Tom at 925-355-1187 or tom@tomhart.com
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