We all understand that diet and lifestyle are immensely important for a healthy life, yet many of us seem to go out of our way to close our eyes, shut off our minds, and avoid our responsibilities. One very big factor is that we can go to the doctor and get something to cover the symptom or kill the germ that we have invited into our body. Some might reply, “I don’t invite germs into my body,” but that is exactly what you do when you get lazy or splurge with unhealthy foods.
The germ theory of disease is incorrect. If germs caused disease all by themselves, we would all be sick. The plagues of the past would have killed everyone. As science is finally admitting, inflammation can be the initial cause of most diseases. In addition, inflammation in one area of your body can focus your immune system on that area, allowing neglect and degeneration in another area, thus opening the door and giving an invitation to whatever germ may be around. Malnutrition can greatly affect the immune system, further exacerbating the problem.
Malnutrition can occur in the midst of plenty. Sugar, rice, and alcohol deplete the B vitamins bringing on cirrhosis and diabetes. Instead of changing to nutritious foods we grab a handful of supplements hoping to cover the effects of our destructive behavior.
When properly cared for, our bodies are magnificent and quite capable of remaining in wonderful health and vitality to a very old age. Medicine’s habit of suggesting pills with side effects that should frighten most, just to relieve a symptom, is an insult. I have had patients with as many as 25 prescriptions causing unbelievable side effects and degeneration.
There are many populations that do not have access to modern medicine. They eat nutritiously, haven’t heard of cancer and live to be quite old; in some cases over 100 years with no doctors to help. One ugly side effect of current practices is that these procedures are creating a whole population of elderly that are not healthy and are suffering multiple disabilities, such as hearing loss, loss of eyesight, arthritis, cancer, diabetes and many other problems that likely could have been avoided.
One of the benefits my patients have is, I too, have suffered. I used to take a medication to cover an illness while I had my stack of pancakes, cake and ice cream. My enthusiasm comes from no longer having arthritis, psoriasis, allergies or colds. My diet and lifestyle changes have resulted in the best health of my life with better memory, good hearing and good eyesight, without even one medication.
Many of my patients have followed my recommendations and are also experiencing similar results. As I mentioned in previous articles, we are now entering the so called flu season. It is more correctly called the deplorable diet season. Those flu bugs would love to share the holidays with you and your family, but you must invite them in.
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