Thumbing page one of a new book. Making the turn onto the back nine. And of course, watching the Times Square Ball drop on New Year’s Eve. Each offers a visceral sense of a new beginning, what researchers refer to as the fresh-start effect. Psychologists studying the fresh-start effect say that such occasions create a sense of a clean slate and inspire people to aspirational behavior. These temporal landmarks offer us a chance to recreate ourselves freshly, to become self-esteeming, self-relying and self-affirming.
As 2019 becomes 2020, many of us are looking for ways to gain a fresh start and better our sense of self. East Bay shoppers might be surprised to find that the Danville Livery offers possibilities for personal renewal through fitness opportunities, aesthetic and beauty consultations and of course retail therapy.

Easily the most common January vow most of us renew is a focus on fitness. Many equate fitness with what we see in the mirror, but fitness is much more than losing that holiday 10. Focusing on a system of movement and mobility rather than on fitting into a new pair of skinny jeans not only improves appearance, but also brings inner well-being. Just Be Yoga is a Danville Livery studio that offers a perfect place to build and deepen the mind and body through yoga. The studio sees itself as a fearless, authentic community and offers a range of classes that may cater to new students or develop aspiring instructors. Just Be Yoga also sponsors retreats that nourish body, soul and authentic human connection. Also, those aspiring fitness can find two Pilates studios in the Danville Livery, Proformance Pilates and IM=X Pilates. Proformance Pilates promotes Pilates Reformer Classes, but also offers Pilates Mat, Spin and Foundation classes. IM=X Pilates advertises a modernized curriculum, one that reinvents, re-choreographs and reconstructs several disciplines to reflect the newest research on fitness, cardiovascular training and spine stabilization.
Further, the Danville Livery boasts several salons and clinics that employ some of the finest beauty therapists in the East Bay. Beauty may be skin deep, but healthy skin certainly deepens beauty. Essential Aesthetics, a medical spa housed in the Livery, offers laser skin services, dermal filler, chemical peels and aesthetic injections. Founded by Medical Director Dr. Abishai Rumano, M.D., FAAFP, and overseen by Elham Zarnegar, MPAS, PA-C, the spa provides the very best in aesthetic medicine throughout the San Ramon Valley. The elegant women of Danville who believe that looking good is feeling good can also visit two newly opened beauty establishments, Salon and Space Hair Studio. Salon promotes technicians passionate about hair and who are up to date on latest cut and color styles. The salon offers beauty plans that include free clean-ups between appointments and consultations on hair health as well as brow and threading procedures. Space Hair Studio, founded by prominent New York Stylist Andrea Pappalardo, specializes in advanced chemical work such as smoothing, straightening and color.
Finally, retail therapy—shopping to increase happiness—offers a legitimate method of stress relief. Researchers suggest that doing activities we enjoy keeps us excited about life, and there is evidence to indicate that retail therapy can even be heart healthy by reducing blood pressure. Experts suggest that the best form of retail therapy is shopping focused on a new beginning, something as simple as a new set of towels for the bathroom or a contemporary designer bag for the winter. The Danville Livery’s many boutique shops are full of vibrant, imaginative products that will revitalize shoppers looking for a fresh start to 2020.
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