As I’m writing this, the chaos continues. Will the Impeachment pass in the House today? Probably. But then what? The chaos will continue because in my humble opinion “The Chaos” has become white noise, ever present in our society, the new norm.
I only mention the seemingly never ending saga of the impeachment because it is in some strange way a bi-product of the subject of my movie review this month.
I went to see No Safe Spaces in the theater. I’m not usually a huge fan of documentaries because they are often designed to promote a certain perspective. I actually expected no less from this one, yet I have to admit that I arrived with a glimmer of hope for a true unbiased vantage point.

So there is no confusion I am going to quote directly from the promo.
The First Amendment and the very idea of free speech are under attack in America today. A growing number of Americans don’t believe you have the right to speak your mind if what you have to say might offend someone, somewhere. They advocate for “safe spaces” in which people won’t be offended by ideas they may find troubling. But is that what America is about?
In No Safe Spaces comedian and podcast king Adam Carolla and radio talk show host Dennis Prager travel the country, talking to experts and advocates on the left and the right, tour college campuses, and examine their own upbringings to try to understand what is happening in America today and what free speech in this country should look (and sound) like.
As I’ve mentioned before, I consider myself a patriot. I love my country. It’s like a big family, some of them may do things I don’t like, but they’re still family. I love the principles our country was founded upon and feel they are truly worth holding on to and defending. Somewhere along the line, we have gotten off track and the divisiveness is only getting worse. The University of California at Berkeley right here in our own back yard, has gone from honoring and defending our First Amendment of free speech to looting, pillaging, shouting and screaming and yes, violence to keep it off their campus. When did that happen? You’ve heard the old analogy about putting the frog in the pot of cold water if you want to cook him and turn the flame on under the pot. That’s how it happens. That’s how one day you wake up and free speech is not free any longer. Slowly, very slowly the pot of water heats up and cooks the frog…
I’ve got four teenage grandchildren and I didn’t see freedom of speech in our colleges and universities going away. Is it too late? I don’t think so. Dennis Prager and Adam Carolla have created a film that every American should see. I don’t care if you know their politics or like their politics. In fact, once you see the movie you’ll understand that it goes much deeper than that. It’s who we are as Americans. It’s who we want to continue to be. Owen Gleiberman wrote in Variety, ‘The most head-turning point made by No Safe Spaces is that today’s anti-free-speech radicals, who on many college campuses dominate the discourse, are going to be tomorrow’s leaders. Now, that’s something that can keep you awake at night! We can no longer afford to stay uninvolved while the pot of water starts to boil. We need to bring back the art of civil discourse. When it comes right down to it, it’s not what you say but how you say it that usually makes the difference in whether others listen.
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