I don’t like scary movies much. I could never figure out why people would spend good money to terrify themselves whether it is a film or a roller coaster. Having said that, I have been known to ride a coaster or two and when I think about it, I handle that the same way I deal with scary movies. I figure out how long it’s going to last and then convince myself I can handle 35 seconds of terror or in the case of Signs, 94 minutes!

I remember watching this eerily fascinating movie when it hit the theaters in 2002. Whether I like the genre or not, I like Mel Gibson. I believe him to be one of the most versatile and talented actors God ever created. I say that for a reason. It seems to me that every film he makes, whether writing, producing, directing or acting, has a huge helping of thought-provoking relevance to life. Signs is no exception.
I find that most Sci-Fi- movies are non-stop tension from beginning to end. Signs has a different pace, it’s like my roller coaster that goes very slowly uphill and then scares the “you know what” out of you as you drop off the cliff. All in all it’s a pace I can live with.
M. Night Shyamalan is the writer and director. From what I’ve read his viewers either think he’s amazing, or not. I believe he’s like a great comedian: it’s all in the timing. Of course, picking the right combination of actors is critical and this crew works well together.
Mel Gibson plays Graham Hess, newly widowed, dad of two young kids, Rory Culkin and Abigail Breslin, both talented at any age. His ex-semi pro baseball playing brother, Joaquin Phoenix has come to live with this little family after the death of their mother.
The Hess family grows corn in Pennsylvania. I come from a farm family and I’ve always been told that corn grows so fast that you can actually hear it grow. I’m not a corn whisperer but in this movie, the corn is tall and the aliens scary. The Hess family hear “things” one night and when they check it out the next morning there are mysterious crop circles in their corn fields. Before long, they find that the world has been invaded by aliens.
Before you start thinking that this is truly not Carolyn’s kind of movie, let me tell you the real plot. In my view, the aliens coming to earth is just a sub-plot. From the very beginning there is a subtler plot working. You have to pay attention to Mel instead of the aliens. In a crisis of faith, Mel had given up his true avocation—minister—when his wife died in that car accident. This secondary story line weaves its way through the film brilliantly.
While there isn’t a lot of flashy technology, it is a “thinking mans” movie, more reminiscent of Hitchcock than Spielberg. Maybe it’s the light glancing off their eyes from time to time that makes it so creepy. I was halfway waiting for a “shower” scene!
It’s probably good to watch it after the kids have gone to bed. If grandma and grandpa are visiting you might want to keep the defibrillator handy. Other than that, make the big bowl of popcorn and enjoy the ride! I would love to hear from you on this one. Remember keep your eyes and ears focused on Mel and enjoy the ending! Carolyn@carolynhastings.com
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