The New Year gives us all the opportunity to reflect on ourselves and the time to change. It is a time to replace old habits with new, which includes changing up your skin care and makeup routine. Cleansing your skin properly at night and applying the correct moisturizer for your skin type should be on your New Year’s Resolution list. It’s time to find out what’s good for your skin and what’s not.
Make the Most Powerful Choice
This New Year make the choice to be a wise consumer by making sure your skin care products contain high-potency anti-oxidants and quality vitamins. Together they are most effective against free-radical damage and improving your skin.
Before the first antioxidant-based cream appeared on the market, beauty-conscious women everywhere were dabbing Vitamin E oil under their eyes and on patches of dry skin, because it supposedly possessed the power to make fine lines disappear. Although those sticky and marginally effective treatments have been replaced with more sophisticated creams today, scientists in the 1960s and early 1970s did not realize they did not truly understand skin-nurturing power of antioxidants and vitamins in skin treatments.
We have come along way since the 1970’s, and technology just keeps getting better. Research on anti-aging is becoming so advanced that aging is almost optional! Listed below are the most recent documented anti-aging treatments on the market:
One of my favorite anti-oxidants is Alpha Lipoic Acid. It is 400 times stronger than Vitamin C, and it is designed to increase circulation and tightening of the skin. Alpha Lipoic Acid therapy, along with Vitamin C ester, act as anti-inflammatories in order to reduce fine lines and smooth and firm the skin. Concentrated coQ10 with DMAE and the above anti-oxidants work harmoniously together, improving skin tone and lifting sagging skin and eyelids. DMAE works rapidly. You can actually see changes within 20 minutes after one use. The improvement is even more apparent after three weeks. The result: a more youthful, brighter, and firmer complexion.
Applying Neuro-Peptides to the skin along with the anti-oxidant therapy will provide powerful nutrients to reduce and stop fine lines in their tracks. Neuro-Peptides haven’t been out on the market very long, but they are gaining fame as some of the most dramatic advanced skin care therapies on the market. They will not only nourish and hydrate the skin, but they will dramatically stop the fine line formation that causes wrinkles. Within a couple of months you will see the new, fresh, rejuvenated, smooth texture of your skin.
When you read the labels of topical products containing Alpha Lipoic Acid, look for the words “High potency.” I also recommend using high concentrated serums of Neuro-peptides. They will be your guarantee to getting the highest concentrate of anti-oxidants in skin care treatments that is bound to change the future of skin care and your beautiful skin.
At The Rouge we carry only the finest High Potency Anti-oxidants on the market. Please come in to our Cosmetic Salon to sample our selection of advanced skin care treatments.