Now is the perfect time for a style makeover! January is resolution crazed—organizing, eating well, and exercising — if you’ve kept your promises, then you deserve a treat. Not chocolate, but the opportunity to take your style to the next level. How do you know if you’re in need of a style makeover? Answer these questions:
- Are your clothes 10+ years old and no longer relevant to your current lifestyle?
- Do you own only basics and solids? (Yawn)
- Is there a “disconnect” between your personality and how you dress?
- Is your closet full of clothes, yet you have “nothing to wear”?
- Are you experiencing a life transition—job change/promotion, a special birthday, or a weight-loss goal accomplishment?
If you answered “yes” to any of the above, then … Congratulations, you are worthy of a new you!
Start at the top: Hair. Seek hairstyles that are interesting to you. If you see a gal with a great cut, ask her where she got it. If she agrees to a photo, take a picture with your cell phone. Your hairstylist will advise you if that cut will work for your hair texture and face shape. Sometimes, a new hairstylist can make the change you want, but give your current stylist a chance first. Odds are he/she has been dying to update you for a while.
Next: Make-up. Meet with a professional make-up artist, either an independent consultant or a representative of your favorite cosmetics line. Defining your brows is a quick fix—tweezing or waxing can give your face a “lift,” helping you look and feel more youthful. With make-up, highlighting your favorite feature is key, so if you love your eyes, “play them up,” and go neutral elsewhere. A fresh, new lipstick is the most cost-efficient change a gal can make—just be sure you’ve chosen a shade that compliments your skin tone. If you don’t know, just ask!

And finally:Your Wardrobe. Purging worn out, out-of-date and frumpy old clothes from your closet can be intimidating—but it doesn’t have to be, and it’s a big first step. Enlisting the help of a fashionable friend or hiring a seasoned professional style consultant will provide you with an invaluable objective eye.
Once you’ve eliminated the “unworthy” items, there are essential items that should either remain in the mix or may be added. My favorites include dress slacks, a cardigan sweater, a pencil skirt (photo 1), white jeans (photo 2), a nude shoe, a neutral blazer (photo 3), a daytime (funeral-appropriate) dress (photo 4) and a little (not necessarily black) cocktail dress (photo 5).

Makeover TV shows demonstrate that even the most fashion-challenged can discover their personal style. It’s definitely the most exciting part of my job, and the makeovers shown on my website are dramatic examples. Don’t be embarrassed…everyone needs a bit of help now and then. Best of all, it can be affordable, fun and a positive step towards your best YOU!

Recently, I had the pleasure of working with Jen, who was treated to a style update after she lost seventy pounds!! Check out her story and testimonial on my website at She describes her transformation as “life-changing.” I agree. It’s quite possibly the best gift you can give yourself or to someone you love.
So, take a close look at your hairstyle, make-up and wardrobe. If it’s time for a change, don’t hesitate. Make it happen … you deserve it!
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