Studies prove that the human mind has the power to transform our state. Just think, for a moment, of mankind’s accomplishments over the last century. In less than 100 years we have done things considered impossible, little more than a century ago. Today, our day-to-day reality includes; electricity, automobiles, medical miracles, super-sonic flight and the miracle of the internet and cyber-space. We have sent spacecraft to the far reaches of our solar system, and 40 years ago we even landed on the moon. The list seems endless, and it was all done, in large measure, because of the immense power of the mind.
In many ways, the mind is the greatest “muscle” in the human body. Like any muscle, it must be conditioned or it will become weak. The more you use it, the stronger it gets. Yet many of us have not tapped into its unlimited power and ability; indeed, many times, rather than using he creative power of the mind, we have yielded it to forces that actually hinder our progress, especially in the realm of physical health and abundant living.
One of the most basic elements of our mind’s ability has to do with making decisions. In as a little as 30 seconds of thought, we can create a destiny for ourselves that is either empowering or destructive. To illustrate my point, let me tell you the story of one of my clients. I’ll call him, “John”…
The CEO of a prominent company, John sought me out for some life Coaching. As I pulled up to his lavish, sprawling French chateau, to say I was impressed would be an understatement. My eyes were wide open. John’s home was beautiful. It was filled, wall-to-wall, with fine furnishings from all over the world. Among the furnishings was a beautiful family portrait. In it were John, an attractive, blond haired woman and three beautiful children. I asked him, “John, is this your family?”
I could never have imagined that in his answer, during the next 30 seconds, my own life would be changed forever! In those 30 seconds my marriage and my life changed dramatically. “Yes, Ron, it was,” he said, “the first 30 years of my life I spent building my wealth, all the while treating my wife like a water glass—when I should have been holding her like a fine wine glass.” I had to hold back tears as this robust CEO wept like a child, as he described how his marriage was destroyed in 30 seconds.
Now, I know what you’re thinking, “Ron, this did not happen in 30 seconds. His marriage was destroyed over a process of years.” You’re right, however, in the final crisis—an emotional blow-up—it took only 30 seconds for her to say, “That’s it. I’m gone.”
Johns said to me, “Ron, I could have prevented it, if only I could have controlled my mouth!” Sometimes, sobering truth yields amazing fruit! I love this man for his humility and the life lesson he shared. His words that day changed my marriage, as well as my perception as to what can happen in a 30 second decision.
All of the progress and all of the mistakes we have made—as many and as diverse as they are—share one thing in common: It was a 30 second thought leading to a 30 second decision that started the entire process, be it for good or bad.
Over the following months, we will explore specialized information that has transformed individuals into the best physical shape of their lives—empowering the celebrity bodies you see posted on billboards and magazines across America, and the most wonderful medical breakthroughs for getting healthy and fit. We’ll even discuss the secrets of the most powerful catalyst for change known to man.
We have the choice of how to use the precious 30 seconds of decision. We can dwell on the negative or we can focus on the positive impact those 30 seconds can have on things like our health and physical bodies; our emotions, spiritual walk, relationships, mentality, and even our finances. During the next 30 seconds, begin the thought process that will help you create a lifetime of health and longevity.
Over the last decade I have had the honor and privilege of helping thousands of people take what seemed to be the impossibilities of life, and within a very short time, enabled them to turn the impossible into the possible. You’re no exception!
“Anything in life can be achieved successfully, when it’s done repetitiously!”
Be ready in coming months for a life changing fitness plan; one guaranteed to create for you, a more vital and healthy life. The insights and concepts we are going to introduce will be life changing and empowering.
Your focus/short term goal for the week: Take 30 seconds and call or tell someone how much you love him or her. This will begin a healing process that no over-the-counter supplement can produce. If you get that done, then take 30 seconds and write down your goal(s) for 2010. You can list one goal or 100—it doesn’t matter. Just get them down. It should only take you 30 seconds!
2010 is going to be your best year yet!
Special note from Ron:
And speaking of these 30 seconds at hand, I would like to take these to honor Lorrie Sullenberger, ALIVE’s former fitness columnist. “Thank you, Lorrie!” Thank you for setting the pattern of successful thinking and for being such a positive influence for so many over the past several years. And “thank you” again, Lorrie, and to your husband, Sully, not only for preventing drowning in the Hudson, but for helping those who may have been drowning in our own weaknesses in life. You and Sully have been used by God in ways too numerous to articulate.

Considered a “coach’s coach,” he has empowered executives to operate at peak performance; personally, professionally, and most important , spiritually.
Ron also heads a 501 (c) 3 non-profit corporation that is relentless in its efforts to communicate the power of bringing optimal health to all walks of life. This organization’s mission is to fight obesity and all related diseases on a global scale. Across the globe, Kardashian’s integrated, holistic approach has garnered amazing results, making him a powerful, compelling voice of change for professional athletes, CEOs, political leaders, and clergymen of every age, religion, and creed. Ron lives in California with his beautiful wife, Tia, and two children.
For an appointment or bookings you can reach Ron by e-mail at, or call 888.918. HEAL.
To find out more about Ron Kardashian’s non-profit organization visit:
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