TOP 10 Exercises for Developing a Better Brain and Cerebellum
In a fascinating study published in the November 2009 edition of the Archives of Neurology, Dr. Patricia Boyle and her colleagues from Chicago reported that individuals who had overall greater muscle strength had a reduced likelihood of developing cognitive loss over a four-year period.
Researchers studied 970 men and women between the ages of 54 to 100 years old (average age of 80), with normal memory, testing their strength in nine different muscle groups. During the four year follow up period, 138 of these individuals developed cognitive loss. Interestingly, it was found that those individuals who ranked in the top 10% for muscle strength were 61% less likely to develop progressive cognitive loss compared to the weakest 10%. Additionally, stronger people, overall, experienced a slower decline in their mental abilities. Dr. Boyle noted, “We certainly think that it is important to be physically active and to work to keep our muscles strong. Good physical health is important for good brain function.”
As a practicing strength & conditioning coach for more than a decade, I have long advised my older patients to stay as physically fit as possible. Aside from the wonderful benefits of cardiovascular health, a regular exercise program can also help decrease depression and elevate your mood as well as ward off progressive cognitive loss. In addition, it is mandatory that individuals stay mentally occupied as they get older. I have always said, “What you starve will die. What you feed will live and thrive.” It is certainly true when it comes to brain function and cognitive loss.
In addition to crossword puzzles I suggest you add these top ten exercises into your busy schedules and watch the BRAIN Fitness happen – with your eyes closed!
The TOP 10 best exercises for training the Cerebellum.
Let me explain who the Cerebellum is…this little guy is called the “Little brain.” It constitutes just 10% of the total volume of the brain but amazingly, it contains over 50% of the neurons in the entire human brain. The cerebellum’s job is to modify and adapt movement patterns to improve coordination and balance. Incredibly, before any movement (even something as simple as bending over to tie your shoe) is even initiated, the cerebellum, through a feed-forward mechanism has already perceived the intended motion up to six times and fires down to contract the core musculature to prepare for the anticipated movement.
In our clinics we not only activate the body’s ability to burn fat, testimonies include losing up to 20 pound in the first couple of weeks, but also activate the bodies ability to develop a STRONG, healthy brain. You can accelerate the body’s ability to move while keeping your brain developing through these top 10 Brain Exercises.
1. Ron Kardashian’s Reach and Throw Exercise: Reach across body to grab your foot and then pull your arm back across body, simulating a throw over the shoulder.
2. Ron Kardashian’s Pick and Push. Act as if picking something up from off the floor; move to standing position, pushing hard up and across the body. End with hand over head – repeat.
3-4. Do both of these with eyes open and with eyes closed
5. Balance on 1 leg, then, alternate.
6. Balance on one leg and extend it out in front and to the side of you. (Increase time by a few seconds until you go to a 1 min hold.)
7. Use a stability ball to exercise.
8. Use a BOSU Ball. (Google it.)
9. Ping Pong. (Yes, good old-fashioned Ping Pong!)
10. Good old fashioned Speed Bag (punching in rhythmic form)
The Benefits of these Brain Based Exercises will improve:
Improved coordination, balance, & skill
Improved memory recall and speed of transmission
Improved learning skills
Improved emotional balance and control
Improved focus & determination
Improved blood flow to the brain, increasing neuronal metabolism, & neurotransmitter formation…thus anti-depressant effects (increased serotonin)
Increased feelings of joy & euphoria
This Christmas season don’t just get fit but get healthy. Brain healthy. Call us today to get your fitness program going. You will not only gain a better brain but a thinner body in less than 8 weeks—guaranteed.
Ron Kardashian
Ron Kardashian is a life coach, fitness expert, educator, conference speaker, author, national television and radio personality, and NSCA-certified strength and conditioning coach. Kardashian was one of America’s first life coaches. In 1994, he founded Kardashian Life Coaching & Personal Training and has since inspired hundreds to reach their full physical, mental and spiritual potential.
Kardashian has been twice nominated as Personal Trainer of the Year. He has been an honored speaker for the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Considered a “coach’s coach,” he has empowered executives to operate at peak performance; personally, professionally, and most important , spiritually.
Ron also heads a 501 (c) 3 non-profit corporation that is relentless in its efforts of bringing optimal health to people of all walks of life. This organization’s mission is to fight obesity and related diseases on a global scale. Across the globe, Kardashian’s unique approach has garnered amazing results, making him a powerful, voice of change for professional athletes, CEOs, political leaders, and clergymen of every age, religion, and creed. Ron lives in California with his beautiful wife, Tia, and two children.
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