It might not be quite in the league of A Christmas Carol but I recently saw, no strike that, experienced, a Christmas movie that I loved. It was one of those one night in the theater movie events that they use to stir some word of mouth to promote the film either on streaming or DVD. After watching it, I decided that I needed to add it to my personal film collection.
The Christmas Jars is based on the bestselling novel written by Jason F. Wright. It tells the story of reporter Hope Jensen, who uncovers the remarkable secret behind the “Christmas Jars,” literally old fashioned canning jars filled with coins and bills anonymously left for people in need. Hope is desperate for a Christmas story for her boss, and this one appears to fall in her lap. She does the research and finds the family that she believes started the Christmas Jar phenomena. She engages them under false pretenses to get her story even though she knows they have worked hard at keeping their secret among their family. The more she gets to know this very special family, the deeper she gets into her lies. The film is well done. The acting is amazingly good and the directing is thoughtful.

It isn’t often that you find a story that creates a culture but when I decided to order my copy of the DVD, The Christmas Jars I went online at a major big box store. What I found was very interesting. Not only were they selling pre-orders of the movie, there had been over a million inquiries directly after a one night, single showing of this beautiful movie for, you guessed it…canning jars! This was just one store! What an incredible impact for such a small audience. But then again, I too, was looking for my own Christmas Jar. I also realized that the very next day after I saw the movie, I started using bills to pay for my purchases instead of digging exact change out of my wallet or using my debit card. I actually wanted the coins for the first time in my life. I had found a true purpose for them!
So, if you’ve decided to skip the movie and go straight to the Christmas Jars idea, you will do yourself a huge disservice. Although the self-sacrificing act of the jars is a central theme to the film, the plot is much deeper, more tender, sweet, and downright heartfelt. Unlike A Christmas Carol, there are no ghosts, just an intriguing story that unfolds at a magical pace. By the time the film ends, Christmas has arrived in so many ways. The true Spirit of Christmas. The Spirit that every year we tell ourselves we’re going to make it last all year long, and then sometime after Valentine’s Day it’s nowhere to be found.
I want to challenge you this Christmas. See The Christmas Jar, find your jar, even decorate your jar if you’re so inclined. More importantly, fill your jar packed full of “anyway money.” Then let that “anyway money” make a huge difference in someone’s or some family’s life next Christmas. It will change your perspective all year long if you let it. Have a Merry Christmas and a Bless New Year!
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