Our distant ancestors were relocated to planet Earth, that is, they were displaced from some other planet of origin by benevolent extraterrestrials who were trying to save our kind, or else, some galactic Marshall Service was using Earth as a penal colony or as a Witsec (Galactic Witness Protection Program) safe location in a far out, little known corner of our galaxy.
Then again, it could all be blamed on gentrification of our home world; the swells—you know, all the ones living in gated communities on our planet—decided that it was getting too crowded for their liking, so periodically, they would thin the herd by contacting a Galactic Moving Company, with a request to remove and relocate several thousand undesirables. Either way, I’ll try to explain why I believe that humankind was displaced, and how I believe it was done, as well as what is still going on today.
Merriam-Webster’s defines dis·place/ displaced: To remove from the usual or proper place; specifically: to expel or force to flee from home or homeland [or planet of origin.
For example, World War II displaced millions of people. Better yet, extraterrestrial interventionists displaced millions of humans from our planet of origin.
One idea that I have heard bandied about from various authors is, extraterrestrials relocated our ancestors, using cryogenic stasis, also known as cryostasis or cryogenic suspension, which is a form of stasis which can be induced by exposing humans to very low temperatures within some sort of a sealed, cryogenic container. If Human beings were to be relocated to Earth from their planet of origin light years away, this might be the only way to get them to their destination. This cryostasis would cause them to go into such a deep sleep that they would appear to be dead. However, to achieve this means of cryogenic transportation would require an advanced level of intelligence and technology, likely millions of years ahead of ours. That is what those ancient aliens were, who decided to deliver our distant ancestors to various locations on planet Earth; to either save them from disaster or as punishment. Then again, maybe, our planet of origin—Eridu or Nibiru, perhaps—was so overpopulated that the Galactic Federation of Peaceful Planets, or GFPP, issued a directive to relocate as many as possible to various habitable planets.
This process reminds me of the science fiction series from the early 2000s, Battlestar Galactica, wherein a humongous contingent of humans from some star system, far, far away, search the galaxy for an acceptable new home, travelling in a ginormous intergalactic transporter.
An alternative to the cryogenic transport model, I propose a somewhat different method of relocation. Let’s say that a giant starship was equipped with thousands of birthing chambers and cryotubes, and that live embryos were loaded into the birthing chambers, along with half of a crew of say 5000, also set into cryotubes. The birthing chambers would allow the embryos to grow into human males and females while being fed a combination of nutrients, keeping them alive for the duration of the journey, which at the speed of light might have taken 25 years or more.
Thousands of live humans would be ready for offloading to Earth, all of age 25 or perhaps a bit older, although, unfortunately, most of their memory would have been genetically wiped clean. It would be like that TV show I really hate—Survivor—except that our ancestors would have had to learn a lot of new skills, in a real hurry!
As far as the crew of the starship, they would have rotated in and out of the cryotubes on an annual cycle, so that by the time they got to Earth, they would only have aged 12.5 years, or slightly more. By the time they returned to the home world, they would still be relatively young. Some of the crew members might have wanted to stay behind. (We’ll look at this possibility, in a future story).
Now, there’s a third possibility. The extraterrestrials we are talking about, are so far ahead of us technologically that they had found a way to use a wormhole, folded space, or even an interdimensional portal, allowing them to shorten their voyages to Earth, down to say, a few weeks or months, using whatever interstellar transportation vehicle they wished.
As far as the vehicle itself, I believe that it could have looked something like that strange asteroid looking interstellar object that flew by Earth in 2017, before looping around and returning toward the center of our galaxy, Oumuamua. You have heard of it? In Hawaiian, it means “scout” or “messenger.” Or, why not a transporter? I have seen a radar screenshot of this object, which clearly shows about a hundred strategically placed teeny, tiny lights, all around the object, as though this so-called asteroid had occupants. I wonder if Oumuamua might have dropped some displaced people off, while doing their flyby. Then again, the transport vehicle could have looked like a humongous interstellar cruise liner. By the way, Oumuamua measured approximately 600 ft long x 100 ft high; a bit too small for my proposed transport vehicle. Recently, some folks, looking through telescopes have discovered what may be an interstellar superstructure circling one of the distant stars that appear to be several miles in length, which could have been a reasonably-sized transport vehicle used for the relocation of our distant ancestors.

In real time, this directive took several hundred thousand years to accomplish, as some of the very early transplanted humans weren’t able to survive, as it appears that the benevolent extraterrestrials erased much of their memory, hindering their ability to survive on a strange, new planet—one that was somewhat like their old home world, but not exactly like it. So, this project of relocating our distant ancestors took numerous attempts before we (humans) finally got a foothold and started multiplying, some 50 or 60 thousand years ago. However, at about 10,900 BC, a deluge of some kind wiped out most of Earth’s population, or the extraterrestrials became unhappy with their experiment and decided to start all over again. After several more missions to transplant humans to the region of present-day Iraq, known at the time as Mesopotamia, they started to thrive and began building a city state known as Sumer. There is a book entitled, History Begins in Sumer, that explores this.
Be that as it may, those extraterrestrials, perhaps the Annunaki, according to Zecharia Sitchin [1], went about trying to repopulate Earth with humans, and have not stopped in their relocation program, perhaps from Nibiru, the planet of the Annunaki. Each time new humans had been inserted into the Earth’s population, it appears that our extraterrestrial benefactors had done some serious genetic modifications, some of which involved gene splicing, according to Ellis Silver, PhD [2], to make humans more compatible with Earth’s biosphere.
Beyond that, they have also managed to insert themselves into the multitude of earth’s governmental systems as well. This way, they can not only observe us, but they can manipulate world events to suit their desired outcomes.
Now, back to why I firmly believe that we did not originate on planet Earth and are, in fact, displaced people of this galaxy. The simple answer is we’re always searching for something—something, we probably had on our home-world. But you know how the saying goes: You can never go home! So, we’ll never know what we’re really searching for, since Earth has become our new home. Although, we are already planning to send astronauts and expeditionary forces to the moon and mars, to establish colonies. Apparently, mankind is never satisfied to just sit still.
I will discuss some other reasons why I believe that we originated somewhere other than planet Earth, in another upcoming issue on ALIVE.
References: [1] Zecharia Sitchin, The 12th Planet, Book one of Sitchin’s series of the Annunaki Chronicles. How the Annunaki genetically engineered Humans to be their workforce. [2] Ellis Silver, PhD, Humans Are NOT From Earth, listing hundreds of facts supporting his theory that Extraterrestrials relocated us on planet Earth and genetically manipulated our human genome. Excellent, detailed and well-documented.
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