The Indian man is a red skinned warrior; an equally counted and equally created man. A man, who not only has a great respect for himself, but also for his people; not just for some, or a few, but for all in his beautiful homeland.
A man whose ancestors, and their ancestors, have lived here since time first began; people whose blood has been spilled throughout much of this same big and beautiful American land.

Yet, even with knowing of all the hardships, oppression, persecution, and tribulations that his people have faced in darkened days gone by, at the hands of European invaders and other foreign crusaders, the modern and proud Indian man tries to live a life without shame, blame, disdain or in an umbrageous sort of way, towards those of today, whose ancestors tortured and maligned his people in such cold and callous way.
The proud Indian man, who believes that God Almighty is the Creator, and the Creator is God Almighty, who wants us all to be good to one another. We are to show, much love and respect,regardless of race, color or creed, towards our fellow human beings.
After all, this world, this gift, does not just belong to them or us, or to him or to her. No Sir, no ma’am, it should belong to no one. It is for all of us to share, to care and hopefully enjoy together to the fullest, without lines of demarcation or ownership by those of hearts without pity or lack of respect for our precious Mother Earth, the land itself.
The Indian man, is a man who always shows the greatest of love, and appreciation, of all that he has been given; gifts given from the Creator without monetary value as a means of measure.
And hopefully, one day, it is my sincere hope, that when my time has come to an end, and my next life’s journey has just begun, that people will say that I, John Torres Arambula, too, was that same kind of Indian man.
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