Long ago in days of old, and very much so today, there has always been, and still is, one gift given between indigenous souls—a gift that stands highest amongst all others. It is a gift of love, a gift of life, a gift of much appreciation for the recipient’s mere existence. The gift that I speak of is a gift that is meant to endure as well as protect—it is the gift of, the “native blanket.”

This most prominent gift, is usually given to one at birth. It is meant to bring one’s soul and spirit closer, not only to the creator, Father Sky, but most importantly, Mother Earth. Ideally the native blanket is handmade. It provides warmth, comfort, love and, shade—shade from any bad mojo or spirits who are angry and not easily swayed.
The native blanket has special meaning amongst all of the 573 registered tribes of America today. It is has had a special meaning for many moons and many suns ago, from way “back in the day.” Being a Native American from the Great American Southwest, I know and have seen firsthand, the look of joy and endearment on one’s face when given a handmade native blanket as a gift later in life.
And whether by design or not, the native blanket provides warmth on cold winter nights in the desert, and adds comfort as bedding when it is hot.
Oh, what a gift the native blanket is, not just for the newborn, but anytime in one’s life. If for nothing else, it is a symbolic message of love, faith and family.
What a precious gift, the Native Blanket truly is!
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