Secrets to wealth and health you have got to know!
Not all of us had parents like Mr. Rockefeller. As you remember from last months issue, Mr. Rockefeller came from humble beginnings, yet, his foundation is a continuing legacy of health and wealth for decades to come.
During the time of great global onslaughts and economic disasters a secret to building wealth and creating the life you have always dreamed of is literally right before your eyes. As an executive life coach to CEOs and people with both small and big dreams all over the world, I have found that they all share one thing in common—the secret of the Rockefellers. Of course many will never reach the unprecedented wealth this man achieved, but who is to say you won’t!
Recapping from last month:
Key 1: The Roots Dictate the Fruits.
Or, as I like to say it: “what you truly believe will show forth by our behaviors.” Or, “how we think is how we will speak.” Anyway you say it. Mr. Rockefeller believed what his parents instilled in him: Stay healthy and be generous.
“Our attitude toward life determines life’s attitude towards us. This is the law of reciprocity.”
Secret 2: The law of reciprocity.
It’s not a word we hear the teenagers using very much, but it’s certainly one we should be teaching them—charity—be it giving monetarily or time and energy to help anyone for that matter, always yields a return. Of course, I’m not saying, “give to get,” what I am saying is that a return is inevitable. It’s a natural law. The ancients called it “sowing and reaping.” It’s the age-old proverb, “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” While these may sound like clichés, they are just as powerful today as they were thousands of years ago. Look at the modern day “Rockefeller,” Bill Gates. He has given over 10 Billion Dollars and look at what is happening to his business and life. When I assess a company or an individual’s life and they ask me, “Ron, we want to make more money.” I start digging for the roots of Generosity. Sound silly? Tell that to my wife and I when we were down to our last dollar, working diligently as Rockefeller did. I looked at my wife and said, “We don’t have that much to live off of, but what we do have, could be given to charity…” Little more than a few months later, my first book was published and they gave us an entire year’s salary up front. Call it luck if you want, but within our hearts, my wife and I know it was law! If you have given to any organization or charity, please understand that your contribution is helping someone—so you can now prepare for help to return in kind!
“Building wealth should never be the outcome of compromise. What you compromise to keep in the beginning, you’ll end up loosing in the end.”
This weeks GOAL for YOU: Ask yourself the question. “When was the last time I did something for another human being? Am I adding to someone’s life or business or am I just taking away? Are there other areas of my life where I could be giving?
Ron Kardashian
Ron Kardashian is a life coach, fitness expert, educator, conference speaker, author, national television and radio personality, and NSCA-certified strength and conditioning coach. Kardashian was one of America’s first life coaches. In 1994, he founded Kardashian Life Coaching & Personal Training and has since inspired hundreds to reach their full physical, mental and spiritual potential.
Kardashian has been twice nominated as Personal Trainer of the Year. He has been an honored speaker for the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Considered a “coach’s coach,” he has empowered executives to operate at peak performance; personally, professionally, and most important , spiritually.
Ron also heads a 501 (c) 3 non-profit corporation that is relentless in its efforts of bringing optimal health to people of all walks of life. This organization’s mission is to fight obesity and related diseases on a global scale. Across the globe, Kardashian’s unique approach has garnered amazing results, making him a powerful, voice of change for professional athletes, CEOs, political leaders, and clergymen of every age, religion, and creed. Ron lives in California with his beautiful wife, Tia, and two children.