Secrets to wealth and health you have got to know!
The resounding question is still the most important! What are we going to do RIGHT NOW with my life?
Over the past 3 months we have been dissecting the secrets to one of the wealthiest, most successful person of all time: John D. Rockefeller.
It is important in life that we DO NOT make temporary decisions that end up costing us a lifetime. Mr. Rockefeller was a learned man; one who thought through his endeavors. John D. Rockefeller was a dreamer and visionary who told others exactly what he wanted out of life. You are no different!
I can teach anybody how to get what they want out of life. The problem is that I can’t find anybody who can tell me what they want.” ~ Mark Twain ”A vision is not just a picture of what could be; it is an appeal to our better selves, a call to become something more.” ~ Rosabeth Moss Kanter
Secret 3- Tenacity backed by skill set!
Mr. Rockefeller knew he had to be bold, but educated. In today’s world people often want something for nothing. We all get that way from time to time. Once you realize that with great success comes a great price – your attitude changes. Tenancy backed by humility ensure tremendous results. It instills within the core of the human soul a preference for human life. Its goes against the “I will run you over mentality” that fast paced societies seem to advocate. I am not condoning that anyone be a “pushover.” I’m going deeper than that. Speaking to intellectually savvy people who have a genuine demeanor to respect other people—not because they are rich or poor, but because they are alive! The spirit of willingness is the ‘Nitty Gritty” success molecule that everyone wants, but which most are not willing to pay for. Successful people are willing to do things that most people will never do. Why? They are just plain old “not willing.”
I am coaching a man who was willing to ask a venture capital firm for 20 million dollars. He has no proof his concept is a “sure deal,” or that it would even succeed, yet he was willing to take a chance backed by his tenancy and skill set, even if it meant losing it all. Going after your dream is attainable. The key is to be knowledgeable of that you’re doing and tenacious in getting there, all the while allowing humility to season you so that you’re not misconstrued or taken over as one who is filled with greed and will do anything to get what you want at any cost. This type of human being will eventually meet his or her maker and have to show their true face.
This month I would like for you to take a “value inventory” of your life. What are your values? Are you willing to drop your pride and say, “Could there be some things in my life that I don’t know?” That’s a willing attitude that always yields success.
One final note. We are now offering LIFE COACHING for TEENS. With the increase of teen suicide, my heart has been deeply moved. We are offering 50% off Life Coaching for teens done either in Group sessions over the phone or One-On-One. Your Teenager can call from their cell phones sitting at a park. My philosophy is that if we can save one life- we have already saved many. Lastly, I am starting a Teen Suicide prevention tour to all the Jr. Highs and High Schools. Let your superintendent know that Ron Kardashian has a message of hope and life for your kids and would like to come and speak for only 30 minutes. (Faculty training to follow). For more information please call us @ 1 888-918- HEAL. Or email me at
Used by permission only – Taken from the book; “The 30 Solution.”
Ron Kardashian
Ron Kardashian is a life coach, fitness expert, educator, conference speaker, author, national television and radio personality, and NSCA-certified strength and conditioning coach. Kardashian was one of America’s first life coaches. In 1994, he founded Kardashian Life Coaching & Personal Training and has since inspired hundreds to reach their full physical, mental and spiritual potential.
Kardashian has been twice nominated as Personal Trainer of the Year. He has been an honored speaker for the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Considered a “coach’s coach,” he has empowered executives to operate at peak performance; personally, professionally, and most important , spiritually.
Ron also heads a 501 (c) 3 non-profit corporation that is relentless in its efforts of bringing optimal health to people of all walks of life. This organization’s mission is to fight obesity and related diseases on a global scale. Across the globe, Kardashian’s unique approach has garnered amazing results, making him a powerful, voice of change for professional athletes, CEOs, political leaders, and clergymen of every age, religion, and creed. Ron lives in California with his beautiful wife, Tia, and two children.