Here are this month’s questions:
1. With what female singer did Bob Hope introduce his theme song, “Thanks for the Memory,” in the movie “Big Broadcast of 1938?”
2. What NFL team has been playing on Thanksgiving Day since the 1950’s?
3. “Instead of landing on Plymouth Rock, Plymouth Rock has landed on them,” is from the verse of what great Cole Porter song?
4. That same line was used in a movie about a famous American in the mid 90’s. What movie was it?
5. Before starring in “Murphy Brown,” Candace Bergen played an actual person in a TV movie in the 80’s based on an infamous Washington socialite turned madam in Washington DC. What was the name of the movie?
6. Pocahontas was made famous for supposedly saving John Smith’s head from being removed. Who was the English gentleman that Pocahontas married in real life?
October’s Trivia Answers:
1) Sugar Kane. 2) Jose Canseco. 3) Shifty of Encino 4) Senator Claghor 5) Spike Jones. 6) Fiorello Laguardia
Win Lunch On Ben!
The first person to email or mail, no calls please, the correct answers to all of the above questions will win a $25 gift certificate at The Uptown Cafe in downtown Danville, compliments of Ben Fernandez! Entries must be received by Nov. 20, 2009. In the event of a tie, the winner will be drawn at random. Please email your answers to info@aliveeastbay.com, or mail to ALIVE East Bay, 199 East Linda Mesa Avenue, Suite 10, Danville, CA 94526. Employees and family members of employees of ALIVE East Bay are not eligible. Restaurant may be changed without notice.