Having fooled with this nonsense for 40 some years, both competitively and non-competitively, I have been asked for the best Trivia questions I have ever heard. Some are easy and some are provocative, but usually there is interest in the answer. Let’s try a few.
- Who played Audrey Hepburn’s husband in “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”?
- Tinker, Evers and Chance were the famous double play combination of the early 20th century. Who played third base on that team?
- Oscar Hammerstein wrote the lyrics to the score for “Show Boat,” except for the famous song “Bill.” Who wrote the lyrics for that song and what famous character was he famous for in a popular series of books?
- Margaret Mitchell, author of “Gone With the Wind,” based Rhett Butler on a distant relative of hers who was famous in the Old West. Who was he?
- One of the most famous scenes in movie history occurs in the back seat of a cab in “On The Waterfront” between Marlo Brando and Rod Steiger. The cab driver is seen only briefly, but became a popular character actor. Who was he?
- Mel Torme originally was a boy drummer as a teenager. For whose band did he perform?
March 2013 Answers
- Frederic March
- Ted Lyons
- Charles Lamb
- Wimoweh
- The March of Time
- The March of the Wooden Soldiers
Mr. Nobody
The first person to email or mail, no calls please, the correct answers to all of the above questions will win a $25 gift certificate for Restaurante Forli in downtown Alamo, compliments of Ben Fernandez!
Entries must be received by April 20, 2013. In the event of a tie, the winner will be drawn at random. Please email your answers to info@aliveeastbay.com, or mail to ALIVE East Bay, 3200 A Danville Blvd., Ste. 204, Alamo, CA 94507. Employees and family members of employees of ALIVE East Bay are not eligible. Restaurant may be changed without notice.
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