Just some random nonsense while we try to outlast the hot weather.
- Two actors received Oscars for playing the same fictional character two years apart. What were the movies, name of the character and the Oscar winning actors?
- Dick Williams was the manager of the World Champion A’s in 1972 and 1973. Who was their manager when they won again in 1974?
- We will miss Andy Griffith. We loved him as the sheriff of Mayberry RFD. In what state was Mayberry located?
- A creaking door would announce the beginning of the radio show “The Inner Sanctum” each week. Who was the sinister fictional host of the show?
- Who were the two different Vice Presidential running mates of Adlai Stevenson in his unsuccessful runs for the White House in 1952 and 1956?
- Who composed the lovely song “Days of Wine and Roses” and who wrote the lyrics?
August Answers
- Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward
- Jimmy Davenport
- Irving Berlin
- Carroll O’Connor
- Newscaster
- “Hot Stove League”
The first person to email or mail, no calls please, the correct answers to all of the above questions will win a $25 gift certificate for Restaurante Forli in downtown Alamo, compliments of Ben Fernandez! Entries must be received by Sep. 20, 2012. In the event of a tie, the winner will be drawn at random. Please email your answers to info@aliveeastbay.com, or mail to ALIVE East Bay, 3200 A Danville Blvd., Ste. 204, Alamo, CA 94507. Employees and family members of employees of ALIVE East Bay are not eligible. Restaurant may be changed without notice.
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