Ever hear yourself saying, “I know I shouldn’t eat all these salty chips right now…but tomorrow I’ll eat light”? Or this one, “I’m too tired to exercise today…but I’ll walk an extra half-mile tomorrow.” Or this tried-and-true excuse: “I worked hard today and deserve to relax in front of the TV and eat this ice cream with a few cookies—after all, tomorrow is another day.”
I don’t know about you, but in my world, tomorrow is never today. Unfortunately, procrastinating and wishing we were thinner won’t lead us to lose any excess weight. If it did, we’d all be walking around at our healthiest weights. Wishing without creating a solid strategy is often referred to as magical thinking.
When magical thinking is combined with cravings for the wrong foods, unhealthy eating habits and a lack of exercise, it’s a surefire recipe to stay stuck and continue adding inches and pounds each year. Yikes!
The good news is, facing reality and getting on track TODAY is a great way to leave magical thinking and procrastination in the dust. And, having effective “tools in hand,” with a willingness to use them, is what propels us toward reaching our weight loss goals.
In my private practice, I offer solid strategies for people who are ready to trade in magical thinking for research-based weight loss tools. So, before we declare that we are simply unmotivated, “weak-willed dreamers,” let’s consider the fact that there may be some complex issues unconsciously driving our overeating impulses. Often, clients are surprised by what they learn about themselves in our sessions. In addition to focusing on releasing excess weight, we often explore how to:
• Stop using food in an attempt to manage emotions
• Track and celebrate progress toward small goals
• Uncover negative core beliefs
Early in my work with weight loss clients, I often ask, “Do you have any limiting core beliefs?” A core belief is a positive or negative perception you have about yourself. For example, a positive core belief would be that you feel attractive or competent. A negative core belief would be that you feel unattractive or incompetent.
Often, people struggling with negative core beliefs don’t believe that they deserve their successes—at a core level they feel like a failure. For this reason, deflecting compliments is a common response from people who carry a lot of negative core beliefs about themselves. Sadly, there’s simply no “intake port” to receive the positive information.
Unfortunately, negative core beliefs can keep us stuck in overeating cycles. These self-destructive cycles can perpetuate retaining extra weight and create a sense of helplessness and hopelessness. Eventually, unless interrupted, our limiting core beliefs can become self-fulfilling prophecies. Uncovering negative core beliefs can be a way to address our “unconscious self-sabotage.”
What I love about offering hypnotherapy is that, through deep relaxation, my clients have an opportunity to explore underlying issues that often sabotage their efforts in achieving goals. Exploring under the surface of a challenging issue and addressing the roots can be extremely productive. As illustrated by many of my clients’ successes, unhealthy habits often lose their power when unconscious issues are brought into the light where conscious understanding and integration can take place.
Finally, why not step onto a path of action TODAY—rather than tomorrow? Call me if you’d like leading-edge tools and a “power partner” for your exciting journey toward reaching your weight loss goals. After all, isn’t it time to leave “magical thinking” and procrastination in the dust…and claim the healthiest mind-body possible in 2014?
Join Trina and attend her upcoming Walnut Creek workshop for women and men: Managing Emotional and Compulsive Eating—John Muir Women’s Health Center: Tuesday, February 18, 6:30-8:30 pm. Cost: $40 (Includes Weight Loss: 2-CD set). Seats are limited—register today for this inspiring workshop: (925) 941-7900 option 3. For more info, go to www.TrinaSwerdlow.com & click on “Private Sessions & Workshops.”
Trina Swerdlow, BFA, CCHT, is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, an artist, and the author and illustrator of Stress Reduction Journal: Meditate and Journal Your Way to Better Health. Trina has a private practice in downtown Danville. You can reach her at: (925) 285.5759, or info@TrinaSwerdlow.com.
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapy services in California can be alternative or complementary to licensed healing arts, such as psychotherapy.
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