Let me start out by saying that we, the American People, are NOT irredeemably racist. This is something that was invented by the irredeemably deranged Left, a bunch of loons of a whole array of colors, from pale to dark shades. This has been bugging me for a long time: who in heaven’s name decided that people from European countries or of European ancestry, should be called white? Have you ever had to fill out a form where you are asked for your ethnicity? There is now at least half a dozen or more categories or choices on various forms including on the CENSUS, where you have to declare an ethnicity or skin color. At the top of the list, you’ll always find: White or Caucasian, then Hispanic (no color choice), Asian (no color choice), Pacific Islander (no color choice), Middle- Eastern (no color choice) and African-American (no color choice). How come that all other ethnic categories are broken up into sub-grouping, except for those of us who have come from Europe, or Americans of European ancestry? By the way, do you realize that, although Hispanics are a separate ethnic choice on these forms, most are actually of the very same skin color as Europeans, except for those coming from Latin-American countries. Did you also know that, most people of Middle Eastern countries, as well as North Africa, also have the same or similar skin tone as Europeans? And yet, they all get a separate category.

Do you also realize that NOT all Europeans have a common ancestry and none of us are really white (in color): but more on that later? For instance, we have the people of Denmark, Sweden and Norway, and their ancestry is Nordic. They are generally, tall thin and blonde. Interestingly, the people of Finland or the Fins are a Baltic people. The people of Germany are of Germanic origin and even though they are neighbors to the Danish, they are of quite different origin.
Here’s a good one for you. For the longest time, researchers have claimed that Hungarians (my people) and the Fins (People from Finland) were related and came from a common Finno-Ugric ancestry. About 40 to 50 years ago, I actually believed this, until I walked into a Finnish steam bath in Albany California, thinking that if Fins and Hungarians were related, you know, like Germans and Austrians, I should be able to communicate with the proprietor of the establishment. To my surprise, the letters on their signage looked similar to ours, but I couldn’t read a single word or understand what the man was saying to me, not a single word. He sounded like he was speaking Songhai (language of Timbuktu). Over the years, Hungarian researchers, as they kept digging, they eventually came up with a theory that we (Hungarians) actually descended from the Sumerians; that is the people of Sumer, who inhabited the area of modern Middle East, by the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, between 5500 and 4000 BC. Is it 100% certain? Who knows? Although, some similarities have been discovered between the Sumerian and Hungarian languages. with words which are still in use in Hungary, today. If I wanted to categorize myself, I would say that I am a Magyar of Indo-European ancestry. I am not Caucasian. My people are not related to Russians, Germans, French, Nordic or Mediterranean. So, why in hell, would someone call me white?
We have the descendants of the Romans who originated in Rome and today, they are called Italians. The Greeks or Hellenes are actually descended from the Egyptians and now occupy Greece, Cyprus, Albania, Italy, Turkey, Egypt as well as other countries around the rim of the Mediterranean Sea.
We now come to the various people who occupy the countries that were part of the former USSR or the Soviet Union. The people of the Ukraine or Ukrainians are descendants, according to some in the know, of the Scythians who actually moved into the area from Persia. The people of Russia have a contentious ancestry. Some say that they are descendants of the Varangians and Slavs, and even have a mix of Viking in them, although their language doesn’t sound anything like Swedish or Norwegian or Danish. The people of Poland are of West Slavic descent, according to ethnologists.

Now, we get to the French. Their ancestry is Gallic and Celt with a dash of Gallo-Roman and Ligurians and even Norse, especially in the Normandy region. We are now getting down to Spain, which has an ancestry of Iberians, Celts, and Basques. Let’s visit Portugal whose people trace their ancestry to Lusitanians, with a mix of Celtic people.
I could go on, but the point of this tracing of the ethnicity of various European people should show you that, we Europeans did NOT descend from one common or same ancestor, and although these various people all occupy certain parts of Europe and many of them live in countries side by side, they are NOT all of Caucasian ancestry and certainly none of them are really White. We Europeans are various shades of Tan. If you look at a color chart, and you can find some very good ones in a paint store, you will realize that, nobody, not a single person on this planet (that’s a big zero) can actually be called WHITE (the color of printer paper)!
In other words, all people living on planet Earth, are people of color; like ninety-nine shades of color; perhaps even nine hundred and ninety-nine different shades. And, we should not be lumped into buckets to satisfy some liberal-socialist idea of classifying the people of our planet. Origins of various European peoples are as diverse and different from one another as we are different from other people living on planet Earth. It may not be great, but it is, what it is. Deal with it!
Who in heaven’s name decided, a long time ago to label all of us of lighter skin pigmentation and European ancestry, WHITE? They must have been color-blind, stupid, or wanted to diminish and insult us. Some of the people living around the rim of the Mediterranean have darker skin than Central Europeans, and the further north you travel, people’s skin gets somewhat lighter, but never White (you know, the color of snow). How about people of North Africa? Their skin color is about the same shade as the skin of Southern Europeans and definitely much lighter than the skin color of darker skinned Africans from further south. Many Middle Eastern people have skin color almost the same shade as some Europeans and some have darker skin coloration like Africans. I could go on.

All of us living on Earth are Homo Sapiens, meaning wise man in Latin, although at times, I see truly little wisdom in the way we treat each other. Which brings me back to our individual skin pigmentation, and why it is used by certain groups of people, especially Liberals and extremists, as a weapon. When certain folks run out of logic in a discourse, they attack you by using your skin color as a weapon, for instance WHITE PRIVILEGE!
This stereotypical designation usually comes from misguided people of color as well as delusional (but, well-educated) people of Lighter skin tone (Commonly known as White Liberals) and is one of the most fallacious, audacious, and unfounded load of cow manure. For one thing, this label is totally meaningless. What does it even mean? To the ones lobbing this insult at people of European descent, it means that because of your complexion, you are treated with special care.
Ha! What I say to them is, “Walk a mile in my shoes before you judge me!”
Who came up with this illogical, however very clever misnomer, liberal socialists of various different ancestries as well as skin color? The fact is, no matter how you want to insult and attack people you disagree with, it is easier to do it, if you can dump them all into one bucket labelled White. That bucket should actually be labelled Green; hence, the privilege should be called Green, or Green Privilege. Get it? Because not-so-wealthy whites, are no more privileged than not-so-wealthy black individuals. On the other hand, millionaire whites are just as, or equally privileged as millionaire blacks.
Now, since I don’t believe that there are people who have a skin color that is actually white (the color of printer paper), or black (color of black ink), there cannot be anything that is labelled WHITE PRIVILEDGE or BLACK LIVES MATTER, because what you would be saying is that white paper is privileged and black ink is alive. Sounds rather nonsensical and illogical, don’t you think? Of course, liberals, rioters and looters would not be able to understand the logic. Here is a fact, every single human living on planet Earth has color pigmentation to their skin and hair, but in different amounts or to a different degree. Except, people who are albino, meaning that they are lacking pigmentation to their skin and hair, and are almost white. Their eyes are also sensitive to light…
Who are the wealthiest people in America; because, this is usually what all the hullaballoo is about? Many of this privileged class, made their wealth, the old-fashioned way: they earned it. These are the industrialists, entrepreneurs, inventors, bankers, Hollywood, and the sports world. Some of these folks deserve their wealth and some, I’m not so sure about. The creators and inventors of tangible goods or services that help humanity, like construction of housing and manufacturing and food production, they deserve what they have earned. People who manage banks and funds honestly, they deserve what they earn. Now then, we have money manipulators, like the scumbag, George Soros, and others, who take investors’ money fraudulently like Ponzi schemer, Bernie Madoff. They not only do not deserve the money they stole; they should be incarcerated in some supermax prison!
Professional sports and Hollywood are the two categories I have the biggest problem with, because, they are the biggest herd hypocrites and liars!
Talk about privilege, in the case of sports, it ain’t all white. It’s actually Black & some White privilege, but mostly BLACK. Baseball, Basketball and Football, on a professional level have made black Americans multi-millionaires. You can even throw Soccer into the mix. And yet, black multimillionaire athletes are out there with the protestors, screeching loudly as though they are being oppressed. Yes, we the majority, have forced black athletes to be multimillionaires. Talk about phony hypocrites. Think about this one example: Apr 02, 2019 · Stephen Curry, this man-child, signed a 5-year deal for a few bucks over 200 million dollars, with the Golden State Warriors, for what, bouncing a damned ball and tossing it into a hoop.
That is about an amount that an army of 5000 men would be paid to go to war, get wounded or killed, while defending our country, at about $40,000 per man. Police Officers make a little more than the military, maybe $80,000/year. So that would pay for 2500 Officers. Say that doctors make twice as much as cops, that would give us 1,250 doctors. Now, does Little Steph defend our country in the military? NO! Does he protect rich and poor alike, as a cop, when they need help in the dark of night? NO! Does he save lives and take care of the sick and disabled and maybe do heart surgery? Absolutely NO! So, why does he get paid all that money? Because, he knows how to bounce a damned basketball!
The same goes for all the liberal elites of Hollywood. Not all, mind you. There are a few that are actually patriotic and do a lot of good. Unfortunately, for the most part, over 80%, that’s the elites of Hollywood who don’t even hide their disdain for our president, for our country and flag, nor for all the average citizens who don’t think or believe their way, even though we spend millions to see their faces on the big screen. These lefty elites also support all efforts to vilify our president and everybody else who does not ascribe to their Socialist ideology; oh hell, make that Communist ideology. Here again, hundreds or maybe thousands of people who do no more than parrot lines, written for them by others, get paid in the millions. They live in multimillion-dollar estates in gated communities and are all therefore against a southern border wall. After all, they don’t need ‘no stinking wall’. They already got one. And you know, NO illegal aliens are going to be allowed inside their compounds, unless they are hired to clean up after them.
The next bunch of phony millionaire elites are of course, our elected officials. The Washington swamp is full of them, black, white, liberal, conservative, atheist, Christian, Muslim and now even Communist. Many of them are settled in for a life at the expense of the American people. But it wasn’t always like that. Way back in the days of Washington, Jefferson and on, all the way through Lincoln, perhaps even later, elected officials spent three to five months in Washington, DC and then they all returned to their homes, to their real jobs and farms to work and earn money. They would till the land and plant crops, then harvest and sell their crops and stock to keep their business going. They were NOT politicians for life, like today’s freeloading manipulators that wallow in the Washington DC swamp such as Pelosi, Schumer, Biden, and Obama.
Have you ever noticed how the Liberal establishment likes to use color as a weapon, especially, if it helps them pit so-called Blacks against us dastardly so-called Whites? Now, think of what would happen if we took away color as a weapon from those smug elitist Liberals? They couldn’t for instance use the old Whites against Blacks formula, because as I have shown above, we are all people of color. So, the Black vs White formula could no longer work. They would have to come up with some other sort of nomenclature or formulae. They would also have to take a closer look at who they are really attacking and blaming, and they would discover that ‘THEY’ also belong to one of the categories that they are constantly attacking.
One’s ethnicity should not be reduced to a simple color on a chart, where certain folks of minority ancestry are always elevated above the Dastardly Whites, who really don’t exist. As I stated before, why are all ‘light-skinned’ Europeans dumped into a single bucket and labelled as white, when people from the rest of the world, get a special category? For instance, Pacific Islanders, who happen to be the smallest ethnic group on the planet, have their own category, whereas Chinese, Japanese, Koreans and Vietnamese are all lumped into one category, Asian-Americans, just like Europeans. The truth is, we are all, that is all inhabitants of Planet earth, very distinct one from another. So, how about making a much clearer distinction between all of us and not lumping us willy-nilly into giant buckets, to make it easy for Liberals to use these distinctions to attack some of us, while protecting others, whenever convenient?
By the way, what has happened in America that has made Liberalism the norm, when in fact, Liberals are the ones who have decided that Americans who are Conservative, are not normal and are some sort of outcasts, when in fact Liberals are the ones who have conspired to steal the direction this country has been taking. And, to be certain, even Liberals are really no longer liberal, they have metastasized into Socialists, aka, Communists. They have in fact taken a direction that Europe has tried and discovered that it didn’t work.
Only about a hundred years ago, the former Russian Empire was taken over by the Bolsheviks, who were the forerunners of the communists. They had decided that what the Czar was doing was so terrible, that they executed him, and his whole family, and Communism was born. While Tzar Nikolas might have had a few hundred revolutionaries executed, when the Bolsheviks took over, they killed their countrymen by the thousands. In fact, these marvelous Bolsheviks actually had each other killed off whenever they felt threatened.
Eventually Comrade Joseph Stalin, aka, Uncle Josef (except, he wasn’t sleepy), came along and straightened them all out, by sending millions to their demise. Interestingly, just recently, one of the elite leaders of the Black Lives Matter, has stated that, to even out the playing field, a number of White citizens would have to be gotten rid of; yes, killed. Funny how the mainstream media never reported on this fact. Because, they are still kowtowing to this illegitimate movement.
Stalin by the way, was ‘elected’ by the Soviet people. The problem was, he was by then, the only candidate on the ballot. Stalin was a scheming, blood-thirsty butcher who got rid of all his opponents by having them disappeared (killed). A very insecure dictator, he had literally hundreds of opponents killed, who he felt were a danger to his reign. However, the biggest number of humans killed were actually millions of Russian citizens. That figure is between 28 and 65 million. Compared to Stalin, most other dictators were and are mere amateurs, except for Mao-tze-Dung (or Mao Zedong) of Red China. This hero of the Red Chinese managed to have killed between 40 and 75 million of his own people. The reason why the figures are not exact, is because dictators don’t keep very accurate books. By the way, during Stalin’s reign of terror, whole villages in Siberia were razed and the dead inhabitants bulldozed into mass graves, which make for inaccurate counts of dead bodies.
When I wrote Red Chinese in the above paragraph, this was NOT a description of their skin pigmentation. There are really no Chinese people with Red skin. I was alluding to their political affiliation: Red was meant to indicate that they were Communists, in this case.
Imagine, between these three murderous dictators of the 20th century, Hitler, Stalin and Mao Zedong, they managed to send to the otherworld between 78 and 150 million folks. And, every one of them was a Socialist of one ilk or another. Hitler was a ‘National Socialist’. Stalin was a ‘Soviet Socialist’ and Mao was a ‘Chinese Socialist or Communist’. Are you getting the message yet? All these dictators promised equality and sharing of the wealth of their Socialist Empires. Add to these three big league butchers, Castro of Cuba, Kim Il-Sung (Kim Sung-Ju) of North Korea, Ho Chi Minh of North Vietnam and now, Nicholas Maduro of Venezuela. We are just starting to hear about civil unrest in Brazil. I guess people are slowly waking up to the fact that what Liberal and Socialist (Communist) politicians promised them, has not always come to fruition.
So, you understand, there are a variety of philosophical and socioeconomic versions of Communism. In the end however, they all end up looking pretty much the same.
Here is a brief description from the web: “Communism is a philosophical, social, political, economic ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of a communist society, namely a socioeconomic order structured upon the ideas of common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money and the state.”
Here are some simple facts: It all started with Marxism. Then came Leninism and finally Stalinism. The end result was, none of these isms came through with their promises, and, they all ended killing a great number of innocent people, simply because they either didn’t understand, or, didn’t agree with what was being forced on them.
We have come full-circle. We now have Black Lives Matter, a new version of Communism. And this time, it is all based on a misguided attempt by some to rectify ‘imagined’ systematic racial discrimination. This time, the Communist leaders of the BLM movement are using color as a weapon and a means of separating racial groups for their own purposes, by their own admission. People who run BLM and went out of their way to encourage the looting and destruction of American cities, should all be prosecuted and locked up alongside the do-nothing politicians who allowed the destruction to happen!
Here are some statements from deep thinking African American leaders. 1 – Some Whites May ‘Have to Die’ for Betterment of Black Community, Says College Employee Irami Osei-Frampong — a philosophy graduate student employed by the university of Georgia as a teacher’s assistant. 2 – Black Lives Matter co-founders Alicia Garza, Opal Tometi and Patrisse Cullers admit that they are trained Marxists, aka Communists. 3 – Steve Harvey Calls BLM Protests “One of the Greatest Movements Since the Civil Rights Movement”. 4 – Colin Kaepernick, the disgraced ex-NFL player has become a BLM activist, mainly because, he forgot how to play football, and has as well forgotten that, he was raised by light skinned family whose ancestors might have emigrated from Germany. He has also forgotten that, he received free education and then was offered millions to play football, all from those dastardly, light-skinned people, he calls white. As a matter of fact, had he not grown that humongous Afro, people might have thought that he had come from Europe, because he is fairly light skin tone. As you have seen on nationwide TV, BLM has joined forces with Antifa, the phony organization that claims they are anti Fascists, when in fact, they are nothing but communist thugs.
No wonder that every day, ordinary, working African Americans are being terrorized by BLM and Antifa, as their businesses are looted and destroyed, and their earning abilities disappear. With all the police officers resigning all over the country, BLM’s dream may come true. However, it will only be the beginning of our nightmare. Everyone pray, that there won’t be a civil war.
Wake up people of the United States before it’s too late and one morning you will wake up to find yourself living in the SSA – Socialist States of America, or possibly, CSA, or Communist States of America. In California, we are almost already there, with Comrade Pompadour Newsome at the helm of SSC or Socialist State of California. It Matters Not what color you are or what your ancestry is, if you do not agree with these terrorists, they will come for you!
Here is the latest. The 49ers Levi Stadium in Santa Clara, California is now giving legitimacy to a terrorist organization, by proudly flying the flag of the Black Lives Matter terrorist organization, right next to the flag of the USA and NFL as well as their own. I wonder how long, before the 49ers management imbeciles will raise the flag of ISIS, Hezbollah, El Shabab and maybe even Red China above their stadium to give those enemies of the United States, legitimacy? In case you didn’t know, those are the flags of just some of our enemies. Hey, you know what, we don’t need no stinking enemies from the outside attacking our way of life, we have them right here at home, inside our country, trying to dismantle a system that has worked rather well for almost 250 years.
Isn’t it amazing that when terrorist organizations want to unite to terrorize common folks, they aren’t too worried about the skin color of their terrorist brethren? So long as you are willing to terrorize, they don’t care what color you are!
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