Civility is supposed to be exemplified by how our leaders, the people in power, the people on top, the professors, teachers, and civic leaders behave. When teachers are preaching of a coming civil war and encourage their students to resist the current, duly elected government; when liberal, activist, delusional, elected officials tell their followers to go out and harass people they disagree with; when restaurant owners refuse to serve customers simply because they disagree with their politics, civility has been kicked to the curb.
In my humble opinion, these disgusting individuals have no place in a civil society, let alone in a leadership position, and maybe, just maybe, they should be kicked to the curb.
Where has all the civility gone, a long, long time ago? It’s a pretty good question to ask in light of the nasty hatchet job—I mean hearings—we witnessed, to prevent a new candidate from getting to the Supreme Court. When I first started watching these proceedings, I thought I was watching an episode of the Spanish Inquisition. Any moment, I expected to see some dark and dingy torture chamber, where Friar Cory ‘Spartacus’ de Torquemada Booker and his Holiness, Senior Friar, Ricardo Durbin, along with Mother Superior Diana, the Lamb of Mary, Feinstein, Sister Kamala Harris of the Sacramento Convent, Sister “Mazie’ Amazing Hirono of the Hawaiian Convent, all as pure as driven snow, were going to strap the candidate to a rack and tear him limb from limb, lest he confessed to a dastardly deed that he denies committing. All the while, torturing in public the poor confused accuser who was only trying to bring light to a harrowing experience that she couldn’t totally remember.
Then, there were the rabid followers outside with pitchforks and signs, indicating that if the Inquisitors couldn’t do their tasks, they were ready to crucify the candidate… and, perhaps, even the accuser; because by God, somebody had to be found guilty. You think I’m being funny, don’t you? Well, I am, because if I thought about this whole thing in a serious manner, I would be disgusted.
Well actually, I am disgusted.
Has anybody ever asked Holier Than Thou Cory Booker about his sexual misconduct? Maybe he should have been investigated before getting elected. But I guess, the right is more passive and civil. Has anybody ever asked Richard ‘Dick’ Durbin, how he became a millionaire, since he’s supposed to be working for the common folks, and I know, we don’t pay him a lot. Likewise, for ‘Leaking’ Diane Feinstein, who should be asked how she and her husband become multi-millionaires? Oh wait, didn’t she push through legislation that allowed her husband to “rake in the dough?” Why hasn’t she ever been investigated? Oh wait, I know why. It’s because the opposition party isn’t as nasty and cruel, perhaps even deranged, as Cory’s, Dick’s, Kamala’s, Mazie’s and Diane’s party.
Isn’t the Senate of the United States of America supposed to have a code of ethics and conduct; rules for the questioning potential Supreme Court Justices? Aren’t all the Senators on the committee supposed to behave in a civil manner and respect everyone’s rights, including the accuser and the accused? Because, by simply being accused of something, doesn’t necessarily mean that you are guilty, until sufficient evidence and first-hand witness accounts have been presented to make the case. And, just because someone has accused you of something, it doesn’t necessarily make it so.
After listening to these hearings for unending hours, then watching the pundits on various national TV channels, dissect, reconstitute and regurgitate everything that had been said, to make their own version of the story, I still did not hear any such evidence that would convince me to convict. So, something nasty happened to this poor victim. She was uncertain of specific details. None of the witnesses could corroborate her story, one hundred percent. But it appears that it was enough for the Liberal Inquisition and their sycophant media partners to not only condemn the candidate, but to also toss all aging white men in the mix as though they were all guilty, simply by being old and white.
Tell me, where has all the civility gone?
When Sonia Maria Sotomayor was appointed by President Barack Obama in May 2009 as an Associate Justice to the Supreme Court of the United States, by August 2009, she had been confirmed, by a bi-partisan vote, without any theatrics, and certainly none of the visceral mob attack that the current candidate had to go through. Not only that, but she became the first Justice of Hispanic descent and the first Latina on the Supreme Court, even though, she was a liberal. I guess, the Republicans were a lot more civil, than the Democrat party.
Here’s another example of how candidates for the Supreme court should be treated; fairly and civilly, by both parties. Ruth Bader Ginsburg was appointed to the Supreme Court of the United States by President Bill Clinton and took her oath of office on August 10, 1993. She was the second female justice of just four, to be confirmed to the court. She is one of the most liberal justices on the court and has not shied away from expressing her leftist views in her decisions and to the media. BTW, did you know that Ginsberg was a lawyer for the ACLU? According to some legal experts, this alone should have disqualified her from serving on the Supreme Court. However, the Republicans didn’t want to play dirty, like the opposition usually does, so, unlike the Democrats, they didn’t make a fuss and call her names, they simply confirmed her. I guess, Republicans were a lot more civil.
Also, hats off to Senator Susan Collins for not only being civil, but courageous in adding her support to the Supreme Court candidate, with an eloquent speech that took some guts, in light of the hatred and caustic liberal attack on the candidate’s character; in fact, an attack aimed at his family and supporters as well.
Enough with judges and lawyers, where has civility gone in everyday life?
A couple days ago, I heard on the radio that some swastikas have been painted on a synagogue in Indiana, of all places. As a matter of fact, in the past couple months, a number of them have appeared on Jewish places of worship and even businesses, across the United states.
This is a good place to repeat my question: where has all the civility gone in everyday life?
I mean swastikas, really? Have all these half-wits already forgotten what World War II was all about? Did none of these people ever go to school and learn about the U.S. military fighting Hitler’s Nazi Stormtroopers? Of course, I don’t believe that these people even know what NAZI stands for: The National Socialists of WWII Germany. You know, the ones that sent 7 to 8 million souls to their Maker. Haven’t these illiterate clowns had enough of that murderous belief system? When will they ever learn? I suppose when hatred clouds your judgement, it’s hard to see the truth. So maybe, these hating zombies, will just never learn. Well, there’s my answer: they’re zombies. They’re at least brain-dead and have no soul. How could they be civil?
Here’s a good one: where has all the civility gone on our streets and highways?
A few weeks ago, I was driving down Clayton Road in Concord, going home after bowling, when I was nearing a shopping center parking lot. I was following several vehicles as I got near the entrance of the lot and could see an individual in a pickup truck, getting ready to jump into the flow of traffic, holding a large cup of java in his right hand. Traffic was moving at a good clip, so I figured, in no way was that individual going to be stupid enough to cut into the flow, right in front of me. I was wrong! I had given this individual, way too much credit. When I had first spotted the pickup, I had assumed it was a guy. As the truck flashed in front of me and I had to slam my brakes on while losing my baseball cap, I was almost rear-ended. That’s when realization hit, that I had almost been dispatched to the junkyard of souls and vehicles by an individual of the female persuasion.
As the pickup jumped in front me, I caught a glimpse of a rather elderly female, cigarette dangling from her lips, Frappuccino in her right fist and steering her vehicle with her left hand. My screeching tires attracted almost as much attention as the pickup which clipped the sidewalk and almost nailed a couple of pedestrians who had turned to see what all the hullabaloo and tire screeching, and brake squealing was all about. When the pickup finally straightened its course, she floored it and took off in a cloud of smoke, from her exhaust and the driver side window. After a quick word of thanks to the Big Guy above, I drove home, still a bit shaken. I’m almost certain, the driver couldn’t even have spelled civility, let alone practice it.
Here are a few more examples of lack of civility; heck, add a lack of logic and common sense.
A couple walks into a coffee shop. They’re not talking to each other. They are texting; probably not to each other. But, you never know. As they get to the counter, they momentarily lift their noses out of the cellphone’s range to order. They sit down at a table by a window. At this point, I’m thinking, maybe they’ll pocket their device and start communicating with each other. No, their noses are back in the direction of their electronic communicators. They lift their heads to look at their order as it is delivered, without any acknowledgement, and return to texting. They munch on their bran muffins without saying a word to each other and keep texting, until it’s time to leave. They exit the coffee shop together. One turns right. The other turns left. No words are exchanged. I’m thinking: they didn’t even realize that they had sat together and had a muffin and a latte or a Mochaccino with low-fat soy-almond milk. They probably didn’t even know each other; but, how could they? They never looked up long enough from their electronic device to really know what was going on. Was that un-civil or uncivilized? How about clueless?
Since November is the month for Thanksgiving, let’s give thanks for having the civility to not do any of the stupid things I have listed above and pray for all the knuckleheads out there that insist on cutting you off in traffic, that text while they’re driving, that text while sitting across from each other in a restaurant, and the drivers who insist on showing their affection for their pets by holding them in their laps while operating a motor vehicle.
And how about trying to be more civil with each other—even with strangers? And once the elections are over, let’s try to understand why our best friends voted the way they did and not necessarily the way we wish they had. After all, we are still living in what is supposed to be a civilized and free country, where we don’t have to agree with each other on everything—not even the choice for a new Supreme Court Justice.
Also, don’t forget to give special thanks for, and to whoever cooks that wonderful Thanksgiving dinner that you just got invited to. And pray that civility returns to our society.
If you want to know, “Where has civility gone?”, I suggest you start your search with the current “leader of the free world.” Donald Trump is practically a poster boy for incivility, and his Republican enablers seem to be a sizable percentage of the electorate.
Much of the blame for the loss of civility in our culture lies at the foot of our “free-market” economy which prizes and rewards celebrity more than actual achievement. So there is less incentive to serve the common good than there is to act outrageously and garner media coverage. (Witness the recent audience that Trump granted to Kanye West where the language used was very uncivil, with the apparent approval of the president.) When people are encouraged to maximize their personal prosperity in any way that is not illegal, there ensues a “race to the bottom” of civility, since civility is an impediment to self-aggrandizement. (Yet another working out of the Tragedy of the Commons….)
Donald Trump exemplifies and embodies a lack of respect for his fellow citizens and taxpayers, his various wives and concubines, disadvantaged people of all descriptions, and basically anyone not named Donald Trump. Indeed, he famously thinks that physically assaulting women is a perquisite of fame. He demands loyalty from all his associates, and shows loyalty to NONE of them. He makes up and uses pejorative nicknames for his political opponents like an 11 year old. He evinces NO humility or respect for truth. Probably 50% of the reason he was elected was for the sheer entertainment value of having an uncivil oaf poke tiny fingers in the eyes of public servants in the government; that is a horrible and counterproductive rationale for electing a national leader. It is hard for me to understand why, in your humble opinion, this disgusting individual has any place in a civil society, let alone in a leadership position, and maybe, just maybe, he should not be kicked to the curb. Based on your own standard!
As you express bewilderment at “where has all the civility gone?”, and the only answer you can come up with is “they’re zombies”, you aren’t really trying very hard to analyze the situation. Obviously, zombies do not exist in reality, so that “answer” is frivolously false. (No surprise, as much of the rest of your essay takes liberties with the truth…) I would again suggest you consider that the loss of civility is the inevitable tendency of an economic system that permits unrestrained freedom. Ever heard the bromide that “Nice guys finish last”? This can be paraphrased as “People who are decent, friendly, and agreeable tend to be unsuccessful because they are outmaneuvered or overwhelmed by others who are not so decent, friendly, or agreeable.” Seems like that could be Trump’s motto! And again, that is just another corollary of the Tragedy of the Commons. So give it some thought, see if it makes more sense than “zombies”…
One other thing, while you are trying to smear decent people: Dick Durbin IS a millionaire, but just barely. He is an honorable public servant who was previously a lawyer and legal counsel. Durbin’s net worth is on the order of $3 million, on the low end for a U.S Senator. In the twenty-first century, any person who is 74 years old, with a law degree, who isn’t worth at least $3 million isn’t trying very hard. So shame on your for impugning his integrity. Moreover, I have never witnessed Dick Durbin to be anything BUT civil. If you like, I can rattle off a LONG LIST of Republicans who have lost any semblance of civility, starting with Steve King, the racist rep from Iowa. So pretending that the Republicans have a monopoly on civility is very counterfactual.