In my article that appeared in the January 2019 issue of ALIVE Magazine, entitled Where Did Humans Come From? I offered some possible answers to that question. Several people have approached me after reading the article and commented “What you wrote, was very interesting and kind of made me think.”
“Thank you,” I replied.
“But then,” they went on, “where do you think that the creators who created us came from?”
I had no simple answer for them. I told them, it was complicated, and I would write something about it in a future issue. I didn’t want them to think that I didn’t know. Actually, I myself hadn’t thought about it for some time, so I decided to get back to my sources and do a little digging.
Many hardcore religious believers do not want anybody to dissect the bible or any other holy scriptures. In light of modern day understanding, the traditional explanations of biblical personages interacting with divine beings who had mysteriously arrived from the heavens, riding on whirlwinds, golden boats or chariots, or flaming dragons, would more likely be interpreted today as a “close encounter of the third kind” with extraterrestrials.
Not having the technological understanding or vocabulary of today’s space travel vehicles and capabilities, those ancient writers had to rely on creating vivid, archaic imagery to describe those apparitions and encounters.
Most of us today have seen the flights of the space shuttle or Saturn rockets lifting off for a flight to the moon. We see jet planes flying overhead, and many of us have travelled in them. We have seen spaceships in movies and some of us may even have observed a UFO, you know, an Unidentified Flying Object, also known as a Flying Saucer, in person or on TV in the X-Files. We don’t need to create any sort of imagery to explain what we may be observing.
Now, some of the events in various holy writings date back three to five or maybe even ten thousand years. The divine entities from the past being written about, obviously had the technology that made their space vehicles possible; ergo, they had to have been more advanced than us. And, in most cases, they had to have come from someplace else, other than planet Earth. And yet, had they tried to explain the technology to the earthlings of the time, those earthlings would not have understood a word. To them, it may even have sounded like holy or magical utterances.

Interestingly enough, I have found that some debunkers claim that NO other intelligent life exists anywhere out there, in the whole Universe; therefore, UFOs are not real, and no ancient aliens ever existed. It is unfortunate that these folks, just sit around in their underwear, in their parents’ basement, and probably don’t believe what Carl Sagan, or Einstein or Werner Von Braun have postulated about the possibility of the universe teeming with life. They actually believe that all of us humans, animals, in fact all living things that exist on planet earth, all come from the earth, because they claim that there is no scientific evidence to prove otherwise. My opinion: they have closed minds and have probably never ventured outside their parents’ basements. Maybe, they’ve never even seen a jet?! My philosophy is: if you keep an open mind, you’ll be amazed at what you can learn!
Think about this: According to Wikipedia, there are about one hundred billion galaxies in the known universe, on the order of 100,000 in our local supercluster alone, and an estimated number of about one to two trillion in all of the observable universe. There are about 400 billion stars in our own galaxy, the Milky Way (not the candy bar). Since astronomers have been studying the data from the Kepler Space Mission, they have guestimated that there could be as many as 40 billion Earth-like planets orbiting Sun-like stars and red dwarfs in the Milky Way; 11 billion of which may be orbiting Sun-like stars. So, the question for you is: with the possibility of billions and billions of planets just like ours, wouldn’t you think that we might just have a couple of them with humanoid inhabitants out there, in our planetary neighborhood? Why would God waste all that real estate and only plant some humans in his own image, on only one lonely ball of mud?
Even the folks at the usually closed-mouthed and close-minded (for a space exploration organization) NASA, have now admitted that we might run into extraterrestrials in the next twenty years. I actually believe they are here now. Some have actually been caught at our southern border, along with other Illegal Aliens (a little humor).
Let’s see where all this knowledge might take us.
As I indicated in my January treatise, the creator who set up the biodome in the Middle East and created Adam and Eve through genetic engineering, was a flesh and blood, divine humanoid being of superior intelligence, who came to Earth, to populate it with modern Homo Sapiens. Adam and Eve had two sons, Cain and Abel; and you know the rest of the story. However, there were already other humanoid beings inhabiting the general area of the biblical garden of Eden, where they built cities and ran their own commerce. Where did these beings come from? Were they perhaps created in a similar fashion, in an Eden-like environment and then sent out to multiply like Adam and Eve, by another Lord Creator? And, where did their creator or creators come from? Were they competing creators?
After I wrote my January article, a blurb appeared in my favorite alternate science and other esoteric topics magazine, Atlantis Rising, informing readers to check out the UK Express website for an article entitled “Secret CIA documents claim evidence for Martian race wiped out by environment disaster.” Sound familiar? What I learned from this article was that a secret project co-sponsored by the CIA and the Department of Defense entitled Stargate Project, started in 1978, enlisted a team of “Remote Viewers,” to use their ability of Extra Sensory Perception or telekinesis, second sight or remote viewing, to look into the past history of the planet Mars. For those of you who haven’t heard of the term, remote viewing is the ability to view at a distance, other parts of your surroundings. The very developed operatives can see any part of the world and even other parts of the universe at any specified time.

According to these clairvoyants, an alien race lived on Mars and was wiped out by an enormous environmental catastrophe several millions of years ago (Remember what I wrote in my original article?). Some of the Remote Viewers spoke of seeing tall pyramids as well as humanoids fighting against the oncoming disaster, and the final collapse of the Martian civilization. There are individuals out there (me among them) who believe that the Viking Lander took photographs of a face-like feature on Mars, which NASA actually tried to hide, by modifying the pixilation of the image and claiming that it was just a natural feature. Since then, other “manmade” features have been discovered, lending credence to the possibility of the existence of an advanced civilization inhabiting the red planet in the distant past. The secret files from this experiment which lasted until 1999, even suggests that the first humans on Earth may have been the descendants of that Martian race. So, did the creator of the human race come from Mars to set up the biodome called Eden? Was their commander “Lord Creator,” or as his new creations called him, “God?”
I recently discovered some fascinating information in the Book of Mormon, regarding the (possible) home planet of God; sort of. This comes from the Book of Abraham, which according to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, came from translations of papyri discovered in Egyptian catacombs. They are attributed to Abraham, having written them while living in Egypt. They are of course not included in any of the Judeo-Christian Bibles or other writings. What I also discovered is that some in the Mormon religion (perhaps all?) believe in their divine pantheon being made up of extraterrestrial divine beings. Sort of an outer-space-based religion?
Abraham writes of dialogues with God, in which he is told by the Lord, from which planet He (God/Lord, Jehovah) came from. Mormon theologians agree that Abraham was told by God that he came from the planet Kolob in the constellation Cancer. Kolob means “the First Creation” which is “nearest to the celestial, or the residence of God.”
The actual passage comes from the Book of Abraham, chapter 3, verse 3, and goes as follows: And the Lord said unto me: These are the governing ones; and the name of the great one is Kolob, because it is near unto me, for I am the Lord thy God: I have set this one to govern all those which belong to the same order as that upon which thou standest. God goes on and explains to Abraham that Kolob was created first and Earth was created much later on. He also tells Abraham that one day for God on Kolob is equal to 1000 years on the planet that he (Abraham) was standing on—Earth.
I would like to add some clarification to the above information. In some of the writings that I have read, Kolob is considered a planet, purple in color, in others a star. However, whether it be a planet or a star, Abraham is told that it is the place that God’s throne is nearest, or actually located on. In other writings on the topic, there is mention of God having brother gods, who may also have created other worlds and other human beings. In the prequel to this article, I brought up my confusion about the land of Nod, east of Eden that Cain wandered into, and met and mated with suitable females. This new information (to me, anyway) may explain how that could have happened. Did brother gods run similar programs as “God” in the land of Nod and possibly other lands and maybe even other planets?
There are instances in the Judeo-Christian Bible, of other heavenly beings visiting Earth from up there (outer-space) travelling in nuts and bolt, high-tech flying vehicles. The best such instance (s) is a series of encounters which are explicitly described by the prophet Ezekiel. He should have been a reporter. He was very observant. He goes on about describing in minute details, using as precise and descriptive a vocabulary of his time, what he encountered; what these objects looked like, what sounds they made and how it made him feel after he was flown about and redeposited on terra firma.

Ezekiel tells us of being brought in the presence of the Lord (God, the Commander of the space vehicle) who sat in a magnificent throne.
Have you ever seen the pilot’s seats in the cockpit of a jetliner, surrounded by electronic gadgetry, with beeping sounds and blinking and flashing instrument lights, reminiscent of precious jewels? That could have been what gave Ezekiel the impression of a magnificent, bejeweled throne. The humanoid beings he interacted with at these encounters, instructed him to tell his people everything he had seen and heard. So, these extraterrestrial beings weren’t trying to hide anything. They probably also knew that no one would believe poor Ezekiel. Whether Ezekiel ever presented his people with the facts of his encounters or not, he doesn’t explicitly tell us. Over a period of some twenty-five years, Ezekiel experienced at least four of these encounters with extraterrestrial visitors. That is what we are aware of, because those are the four encounters that Ezekiel had documented.
If you would like to get a deeper, technical understanding of Ezekiel’s experiences, you may want to read an excellent book by Josef F. Blumrich The Spaceships of Ezekiel. Blumrich designed airplanes since the late 1930s in Germany, until he got transferred to NASA, following WWII.
Blumrich originally set out to prove that Eric von Däniken (author of Chariots of the Gods) was full of baloney when he claimed that the prophet Ezekiel had had encounters with extraterrestrial beings, and actually rode in their very strange space vehicle(s). After carefully studying the words of Ezekiel, Blumrich had to eat his own words, as he had to admit that what von Däniken had been saying actually made a lot of sense. So Blumrich, reinterpreting Ezekiel’s writings, designed a space vehicle following the information gathered therein, that turned out to be a shuttle of sorts that was used by the divine beings to travel back and forth from a mothership orbiting earth, and to flit around while interacting with the earthlings. This book is well-worth the read.

I have now given you some possible answers to the question, “Who were the creators, where they might have come from, and how did they get around while on Earth?”
Here are some final thoughts. The universe is between 11 and 14 billion years old, as determined by people a lot smarter than yours truly. If you look at the complexity of its makeup and the shear number of galaxies and stars, surrounded by billions and billions of planets, you will see that there is a good possibility for a purposeful design; that most of us may not yet understand. Possibly, never will. The possibility of some of those many planets being inhabited by beings not unlike us, in various stages of development (evolving) is infinite. I personally believe that a supreme and divine entity was at work to create it all. Some of us may call Him “God.”
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